We have been in Columbus for 2 whole weeks now, which pretty much makes us experts on the city. Here are some surprisingly shocking things about Columbus that we have come to realize.
1. People in Columbus do not enjoy Gelatin snacks as much as those from Utah, even though they have two gelatin manufacturers in the State and Utah has none.
2. The only people at Ohio State that are married are Foreign or from Utah.
3. The drivers in Columbus have super fast reaction times, and even though it feels like they don't give you much notice before they narrowly miss hitting your car as they swerve between lanes, its really because with their heightened reaction times they are giving you plenty of warning.
4. Sometimes at Night we get tricked into thinking the sun has finally come out, but when we look out our blinds its only the incredibly bright street lamp right outside our apartment.
5. Columbus sailed the Ocean blue fourteen hundred and ninety two.
6. Everybody in Columbus loves Ohio State Football, and surprisingly haven't heard of Utah State Football.
This entry was happily provided by Mike. (If by happily you mean kicking and screaming)