We made it back from our trip to Utah last night and it is nice to be home. We always love being able to see family, and we really miss Utah, but it's always nice to sleep in your own bed, and it was amazing how happy Emma and Molly were to be home as well.
We had such a great time in Utah. We got together with the Pierce family for a fun pool party. (Thanks Dave and Cindy for hosting) We were able to spend some time with my Mom and Dad as well as my Grandparents. We got to eat some great food including: The Bluebird, Turkey Steaks, Wingers, and Joe Morleys. We stayed at my Dad's airplane hanger up in Brigham City for the first part of the trip, and it was fun having a little place to ourselves. Molly was really enjoying the open fields to run around in and chase the grasshoppers. We were nervous about bringing our dog, but she really did pretty well. Emma was the one who was REALLY sick of her car seat by the end of the trip. We had to break down and buy a portable DVD player. Sure wish we would have done that at the beginning of the trip.:) We had some great times with the Sharp family as well. We celebrated Melodee's birthday, had a tour of the Sweet's candy factory, played at McDonald's play land, and a splash park, went to the Jordan River Temple, Wheelers Farm, and watched a fabulous magician. We also were able to attend the Coomb's family reunion and it was nice for me to get to know more of Mike's family, and I know it was great for them all to get together as well. It's amazing how quickly our time went. We had so much fun seeing everyone, and wished we could have seen more of you. With the holidays coming up we'll luckily get to see you soon enough. Here are A LOT of pictures from the trip.