Yesterday Mike was able to go with the youth up to "Marble Falls". I guess it is about a 4 mile hike in and then back. It sounds like he had a great time. It looks beautiful. Besides the ticks, snakes, and bears they saw on their way it sounds like a fun trek to make as a family. They went a little ways further and were able to see some of the Giant Sequoia trees. It's amazing how many beautiful and diverse creations the Lord has given to us. Hopefully we'll be able to take advantage of even more fun summer activities within the next month before the baby comes.
P.S. Baby Update
My severe itching has subsided, now just typical skin stretching itches. Yeah! The doctors only concern now is how small the baby is measuring. We are all pretty sure it is just genetic, Emma was measuring small as well, but they are monitoring me twice a week to just check everything, and I will have another ultrasound this week to see how much she weighs. A lot of appointments, but I'm grateful that they have the ability to keep a close eye on how she is progressing. It helps bring peace of mind. At this point we are hoping for a full term delivery.
34 Weeks-