We were so fortunate to have Mike's sister Melodee out to visit and help out for a couple weeks. She was such a big help especially with Emma. Since the end of my pregnancy, and trying to get Vivian to eat well, Emma has had a serious lack of physical activity. Melodee was nice enough to give our energetic 2 year old some more attention.
Unfortunately we have decided that there is a serious Bakersfield Curse. (Do NOT let this information deter any of you from coming to visit) :) Both times that Melodee has come to visit she has gotten sick, and my Mom developed a terrible cold when she came to visit as well. We're not sure what's in the water out here, but it's sure not fun. Although Melodee wasn't feeling well she was a lot of help and it was nice spending time with her. I don't know how I'm going to handle this coming week, I've gotten very spoiled with all the help I've been receiving. Luckily Vivian is doing 100% better at nursing and is now up to 7 lbs. We are also working on getting her on a better sleeping schedule. We use the "Baby wise" system which worked pretty well with Emma. Vivian sure is a lot easier to put down than Emma. Emma cried all the time so we became somewhat immune to the sound.:) Although we hate to hear her cry, 5 minutes of fussing will hopefully be beneficial to her being able to learn some self-soothing strategies in order to sleep better.
While Melodee was here she, Mike, and Emma were able to go up to the Trail of 100 Giants and Dome Rock.
Someday Mommy will get to see these huge trees as well. Emma had a good time and came back with a few scrapes and her first bee sting. I guess there were a few people who got stung up at the ward camp out.
I also wanted to post some of these funny pictures of Emma.
Emma's favorite animals are the bears
An actual RoadRunner
Who knew porcupines could climb trees?
An actual picture of Vivian with her parents. She wasn't too happy.