So last night we finally ventured down into the heart of Columbus city to attend our first NHL hockey game. The Red Wings were playing the Columbus Blue Jackets and the ending score was 4-Red wings to 1- Blue Jackets. It's a good thing Mike was rooting for Detroit. It was a lot of fun, although we did get lost a couple times getting home. The roads are pretty good here unless you get on the wrong one.:) We hope everyone had a good Easter. I tried to cook a really nice Easter meal, but didn't realize how hard it would be to keep a turkey hot while you are also trying to bake rolls, mashed potatoes and gravy, a vegetable and fruit salad. Yes, I went a little overboard and thankfully Mike was great to help out. It's a little lonely spending a holiday away from family. I guess it magnifies how many people we do not know out here, but thankfully we have each other. Hopefully we can all remember the gift of our Savior and be grateful for everything we have. We love you all! The Sharps
Your dinner sounds fantastic. We miss you too - just keep reminding yourself how annoying we are though and it will make the time between visits go faster ;-) We love you guys!
We missed you too. I really grew to love the people in our Ward and the people that Ty worked with, they would make special efforts to make sure we were taken care of on Holidays and we got together alot just for support. That was one of the best things about living in the "mission field".
Holidays seem to be the worst while away from home. In Las Vegas we began to reach out to others after we got a little more acquainted. It made it a little easier, but never great. Did you get mixed up with Thanksgiving when deciding on a menu? ;)What a wonderful feast!
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