So it isn't our anniversary quite yet, but in 3 weeks we will be celebrating 1 year of marriage. It is amazing how fast time goes. Mike and I have experienced so much this year that has taught us about ourselves and each other. We have really grown a lot and it has been wonderful. I can't wait for the many anniversaries to come. This year we may have the great opportunity of taking a "trip" for our anniversary. Luckily we were married over Memorial Day weekend and so each year we will hopefully have some time off. I have Monday off of work and we think we can get Friday off as well. If all goes as planned we are heading off to Washington D.C. and Maryland. Mike has never been to D.C. and while it is so close to my mission we are hoping to make the trek. There is so much to do and see in just 4 days, but we are going to try. We definitely have to go to the "Mall" and the D.C. temple. It's been a long time since I have been back to see a lot of the people and places in my mission so that will be a great experience as well. We are also planning on going to Detroit this summer. We are so blessed that both of our missions are within reasonable driving distance from us. Detroit is only 3 1/2 hours away so we might be able to go a couple of times. D.C. is 7 hours away but well worth the drive. It will be a crazy weekend, but we are looking forward to it. Also, Mike only has 1 more month of school left. I can't believe how fast school goes when you are on quarters. It seems like he just barely started, but yeah!!! for summer. Today I have the day off and I am going to try and catch up on some house work. It might not sound like too much fun on a day off, but it will be so nice to come home to a clean house. (Don't worry, I'm sure I'll get some relaxing time in as well:) Ta Ta for now!
Happy Anniversary!! You are such a cute couple.
What a fun trip, I'm so excited for you both; have fun..
Sidenote, I noticed you started this post at 5 in the morning - whew, you rock.
I know this sounds funny, but it seems like you guys have been married for longer than a year. I am glad that you will have the opportunity to have some fun trips; take them now, once you have kids trips are 100 times harder.
You guys planned your wedding day well! Jon and I still feel like newly weds even though we have been married nearly 4 and a half years! Congrats to you! Hope you drive is fun! DC looks gorgeous!!!!
That sounds great! I'm glad that you're taking all the trips you can before those little ones come because it is like a million times harder to travel with kids. And I agree with Kim, it seems longer than a year.
I can't believe it has already been a year since you two were married! Happy Anniversary! Mike, you will love DC! Have fun. It is a little heavy, but my favorite part of DC was the Holocaust Museum. Check it out if you have time.
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