So we have some catching up to do. I wanted to post this cute picture of Emma in her Easter outfit. We have the cutest spring dresses, but she doesn't fit into any of them so this was the best we could find. We hope you all had a wonderful Easter and that you were able to remember the gift of our Savior. It was a little weird because I stayed home from church to be with Emma. It was a sad day to miss out on my church meetings. It will also be interesting going back with her. I am being moved out of the nursery and back into primary. I will be co-teaching with another sister in the ward who just had a baby. Hopefully we'll be able to coordinate our feeding schedules, but that all depends on the babies. It will be a little stressful at first I think, but hopefully it will all work out.
Mike officially went back to school yesterday. He is working so hard between school and helping us at home that he is making himself sick. I am so appreciative of all of his help with the housework and with Emma, but I am getting to feel so lazy. Emma is having a really hard time sleeping at night. We are trying to get her on a better schedule, but I am impatient and want it to change today. I do pretty good until she wakes up every half hour thinking that she needs to eat again. At least she is gaining weight, but mommy and daddy are losing sleep. Oh, the things we have to learn. Any suggestions for getting her on a better sleep and eating schedule would be very appreciated.
So we are just taking this whole parent thing one day at a time. It is a blessing and we love her, but it is sure an adjustment to what we are used too. We'll try and get some kind of recording of her to put on this so you can see her a little better. Maybe I can get a recording of her crying (banshee squeal) which would be fun for all to see/hear. She really is pretty cute.
Our First Outing
Bizarre Sense of Fashion (Good thing she can't tell she doesn't match at all)
Oh so little!
Ok... She is the cutest!! I can't wait until I can hold her!! Amy you look great!
I was the same way with sleeping. That was the hardest part for me. When they are so new I don't think there is allot you can do. However, When I would wake up to feed my girls, I would make it all business and no play. I kept the house dark and quite. It helped.
Oh, she is so cute! I wish I could give her a great big cuddle!
As for advice, here is just a tad.
I think getting babies on a schedule is really important, not just for you, but for the baby as well. If they establish good patterns even from this young age then things will go much smoother for you. Just make sure that you are following a schedule. She won't starve if you make her wait for a full 2-3 hours to eat. If you let her "snack" then all she'll do is snack all day and night long. Make sure she is getting a good solid feeding in when she eats & then make her wait for her next one. Make sure that it is the same every day & it will turn into clockwork. Sometimes babies just need to suck, but don't let her use you or the bottle as a pacifier. Give her a binky or some other alternative comfort. She might just need her diaper changed. This was the biggest mistake that I made with Tyson. I would feed him any time he wouldn't calm down and then he would fall asleep after a few minutes. Then a half hour later we would have to do it again. Don't do it, it made things miserable! Also, breast milk has different "stages" if you will. There's the "foremilk" which is the first stuff that comes out. It basically just satisfies hunger, but there are not as many nutrients in it. As you continue to feed along comes the "hindmilk" which is rich in fat and calories. If you let her "snack" then she won't get the hindmilk which is the most important for her health and weight gain. Just another important reason to keep her awake for a really good feeding & then make her wait until she's hungry enough to have another solid feeding. Wow, I just went off...sorry. I hope this helps a little bit. Good luck sweetie and call me if you have any questions.
She's a doll! I am glad that they are moving you into the primary, it should be a little easier to manage:).
Adorable! It's hard with little sleep, isn't it? When do you go in for your next checkup? I'd love to hear how much she weighs now. Keep the pics coming. I'll be diligently waiting for the banshee squeal video.
Wow, you forget how little they are when they are first born. None of her clothes fit her yet but watch out, they grow like weeds. Look at how much she wants to eat:).
The new pics are great!
In response to Jackie's comment that she wouldn't starve if you waited 2-3 hours; don't let her get SO mad that she is screaming, it will take longer to get her calmed down and then with all of the energy she expended from crying...she will be hungrier:).
So who do you think she looks more like? I think Amy, but it's hard to tell at this age. She is cute in her easter dress.
As for advise you can try all of these and see what works best for you and baby. All babies are different. Some of my babies did great on a scheadule and some didn't. The problem I had with scheaduals is that mine was never the same. What worked for me with sleeping is keeping my babies up in the day time as long as possible. Not letting them take long naps in the day time, and feeding them a lot. And then in the night, like Manda, I would make it all about feeding. No play, talk, singing, lights or anything stimulating. I also found lying down while feeding at night kept my sanity. Cause then I could rest while baby ate. By doing this I could get my babies to sleep for 5-6hrs most nights.
She is soooo little! I bet you can hold her in the palm of your hand! Just know that these days of adjustment pass quickly. You will soon be in a routine of a new normal. Relax and enjoy!
I am glad you have sisters to give you such good advice.
I SWEAR by swaddling! It worked with all my babies to help me get them sleeping through the night.
She is a doll! I can't wait to hold her.
Good luck with the sleeping!
The sleeping in eating thing will take care of itself in about 12 months!
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