This past week as been so busy. It has been wonderful having Mike home, he is such a great help. Emma is getting to have some great one on one time with her Daddy. Emma has been doing really well with the new baby. She loves to look at her and in is in the phase of pretending she is the mommy to her baby dolls and likes to wrap them up in blankets and put them to sleep. While she is doing well with Vivian we think all the new changes MUST be affecting her because she has been really "off" with certain things. Granted she is in her terrible two's stage, but she has been extra contrary and has been waking up screaming at night for silly things like wanting more water in her sippee cup, or wanting a book to read. I think she may be having nightmares or even walking in her sleep like her mom. Poor child, let's sure hope not, or at least she better not learn how to open doors EVER! Hopefully things will eventually get easier for her as we all get used to this new transition.
When we first brought Viv home she was eating pretty well, but then went down hill from there. She was just soooo sleepy all of the time, and so it was hard to get her to wake up to eat in the first place and then trying to keep her awake during her feedings was another chore. So because of all this she was losing weight and not urinating etc. as she should. The doctor ran some blood tests and luckily everything came back just fine. She is doing so much better now. We're still working on it, and it may take a little while for her to grow and get stronger, but she is finally putting on some ounces and eating so much better. Yeah!! We feel so blessed that it hasn't taken 3 months to get our second child to nurse! Starting next week I am going to be on my own for awhile, wish me luck. Thankfully Mike's sister Melodee will be coming out for a couple weeks in August to help out. It will be great to see some family, and it will be perfect timing since Mike has to go to Ohio on a business trip during that time. At this point we will just take things a day at a time. I know some days will be great and others I will be a mess, but I'm grateful for a supportive husband and loved ones I can call and vent too.:)
I just can't believe I'll have one in 2 months. Crazy! I'm glad she's doing well!
I can't believe how blond and fair Emma looks next to Vivi:). Fun pictures! I hope that they both get in a groove for eating and can definitely be a challenge getting a routine when a new addition comes along:).
She looks so much like my babies...she's a Pierce for sure. I'm glad things are going a little better now. I hope Emma starts sleeping better so you can get a little bit more sleep. I wish I could snuggle that cute little Vivvy, she's beautiful!
Love the pics of Vivian! She is so precious! Good luck next week.
It was so good to visit with you this week. Hearing about all this by talking is hands down more fun that reading about it in blog form. Although don't stop the blogging either cuz I liked reliving the story. What a sweetie Melodee is for coming to visit and help; I hope you have a great time with her while Mike's gone. And I'm so glad Viv is eating better!!
Hopefully, Emma will adjust well. Waking up with two kids is tough. I can't believe how much bigger & older she looks next to Vivian.
We wish you luck while Mike is gone and wish we were closer to help you out.
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