So Vivian is 7 months old today. At her last appointment she weighed 14 lbs 14 oz., so she is slowly, but surely gaining some good weight. She loves her rice cereal and sweet potatoes. The other day I bought her her first "sippee cup". It is a training bottle that eventually can turn into a sippee cup. At that moment I realized that she is only getting bigger. I love this stage because they are still babies, but you can interact with them, and you can see them growing and learning so much. It is fun watching them explore the world around them. It is also hard when they are upset because they just look at you like, "why are you being so mean to me!" We sure love Vivian. This past week has really thrown me though because I am so used to her being my "easy" baby, but after getting her shots, 2 teeth, and a cold, she has been so miserable, and so has mommy. Like I mentioned in my last post she has been having a hard time sleeping because of all these discomforts and it has been a real trial and error trying to figure out how to get her some sleep. Mike is superman because he sure know how to calm our kids down. We are all so lucky to have him, he is so patient. At 7 months Vivian is rolling all over to get where she wants to go, she has 2 teeth, and is working on sitting up. She is a little behind in this area, but we are working on it. She just has no desire to sit, she can't get the things that she wants from that position.:) Vivian loves to babble, grunt, and squeal. She scrunches her nose in a super cute way when she smiles, especially at her daddy. She loves sitting in her saucer, and she also loves sweet potatoes and rice cereal. She has super fluffy brown hair on top of her head, which is fun since Emma was completely bald at this age. We think we might have a toe head as well as a brunette. At this point her eyes are blue-grey so they could either turn blue or hazel. It will be fun to watch and see. She has just brought so much joy to our family.
So I have to add some funny things that Emma has said lately. Oh she is a funny kid. While we were at the doctor the other day she saw a little boy that she wanted to play with. She goes up to him and says, "My name is Emma" and then proceeds to bend as low as she can into a very respectful bow. :) I was cracking up so much, I had no idea why she was bowing to this little boy. She continued to do it as well. Too funny. I remembered at Disneyland that they taught the kids that they should bow and curtsy whenever they meet royalty, or a princess. I wonder if that was what she was trying to do.
So on to the funny comments
- "Mom it will be so fun when I am big like you."
- "Mom are you going to go to play practice and have yellow hair?" (I had shown her a clip from my high school musical days and she couldn't recognize me because of my "yellow hair". So now she thinks that my being in a play means I go and have yellow hair.)
- Another funny thing she did was when I went exercising the other day. We were doing step and weight workouts and she proceeded to grab some dumb bells and did a VERY good job at imitating the moves that we were doing. She was also laying on the mat and trying to do the same stretches as well. She loves to try and imitate me when I am exercising.
- "For my party I want a purple present and purple balloons because purple is my favorite color!" She also wants a play vacuum for her birthday.
She says so many funny things each day that I can't remember them all, but she just makes us laugh all day long.
Poor Vivian has been through the ringer...I would be upset too. :( And that picture of Emma at the end is darling. Thanks for posting all of these fun little details Miss Yellow Hair. :)
Awe..All those pics sure make me miss my neices! What cuties they both are! So glad to hear that viv is doing so great! I think Emma must have had a crush ont that little boy and was tring to pretend she was a princess! LOL!
I LOVE Emma's cute flip hair-do...darling:). It makes her look like a grown up girl. Sorry that Vivi is still under the weather, No Fun!
I love the Emma sound bites...she is at such a fun age where they notice everything and comment on it:)).
Oh wow - great pics!! Those two are the cutest girls in California for sure!
What cute pictures! I love the things kids say. I just can't remember what they are most the time.
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