Here are some more pictures of Disneyland etc. Enjoy!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Year in Review
Well I tend to go in spurts with my blogging.:) You'll not here from me forever and then you'll get a slew of information. Well today is no different. We don't have internet access and so I'll try and update this while I am mooching off of the laundry mates free wireless.:) So many things have happened in the last few months that I thought I would try and say a little about everything. Well first off we got married last May and I can't believe it has almost been 9 months! (And no, I am not having a baby any time soon for those who were hoping for a honeymoon baby:)) The last 9 months have been great except for the crazy decisions we are having to make lately. We think we have FINALLY!!!! found a place to live in Ohio. I had no idea it would be that hard to find a place with just looking online. I think both Mike and I thought it would take just one look and we would be done. Now, after looking at hundreds of options we have finally made a decision. YEAH!!! That is a huge load off of our shoulders. Now we just have to pack and drive across country.(That will be the easy part.) O.K. now I am getting ahead of myself. To back up, for Halloween we hosted a murder mystery dinner night with a few friends. It didn't turn out quite like we expected, but we had a lot of fun. Mike was inspector Cluedau and I was Dame Agatha (Christy). The pictures are pretty funny. We then had a very busy December. Michael graduated from Utah State University in Food Science and that was very exciting. We were able to have the Sharp family come to Logan to celebrate with us. It was wonderful. We had such a fun 1st Christmas. We spent Christmas eve and morning with my Mom and brother Daniel which was so nice and brought back wonderful memories. We then went and enjoyed a fun evening at the Sharp family Christmas party. They have a fun talent show and Mike and I pulled out our banjo and violin. It's been awhile for me so it was good to try and play the violin again. It was so nice to be able to spend Christmas with both of our families since we are not sure what the future will bring and how often we'll be able to get back for the holidays. Hopefully though! After Christmas we went on a whirlwind and last minute trip to California. We went to DISNEYLAND!!! We both hadn't been there since we were really young and figured that this would be the last chance we would have to go in awhile. We left on Wednesday, spent Thursday at Disneyland, and then headed back, staying at Merilee and Mark's that night and then finished our jouney on Friday to make it back for the Jazz vs. Celtics game at the Energy Solutions Arena. I was a crazy and fun trip. We had a lot of help from my brother David in order to be able to go which was very nice of him. Our camera died and so we don't have too many pictures.:( Well, ever since we've been back we've been preparing for our move to Columbus, Ohio. It is a scary adventure and the decisions have been pretty stressful at times, but it is all coming together. The Lord is truly blessing us at this time. There are so many changes that happen in life, and it is so nice to know that everything will be o.k. with the help of the Lord. The passing of President Hinckley is a perfect example of this. Although we will miss him, it is such a blessin to know that the work continues to move on and President Monson, as well as the rest of the apostles will lead us to where we need to be at this time. We are so blessed! Well, that was a lot of information, but I wanted to get something out before we leave in 5 weeks. I can't believe how fast the time has flown. We sure will miss everyone. Take care until next time:)
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