I'm sure my girls will hate this when they get older, but for now I thought it would be fun to do a comparison of my 2 little ones. Many people have commented on how much Vivian looks like Emma, so here are some pictures to see what you think.
At almost 2 1/2 weeks old it is amazing how "different" these two girls are from each other. I know that Vivian is going to change dramatically over the next few months, but Mike and I can't get over how different two kids can be. When Emma was a baby she had this light brown hair with a hint of red in it, and now she is blonde as they come. After only a few days Emma was very alert and colicky. She was awake most of the day and we had such a hard time getting her to go to bed. She had a difficult time nursing and so between formula, and trying to nurse, she had a lot of indigestion troubles. Emma has also always been very LOUD. The nurses commented on her strong lunges when we left the hospital, and she continues to prove to all she meets how strong her lunges can be. She has also been very strong willed from the get go. Emma also loves to laugh and have fun. At 2 1/2 years old she continues to be strong willed, energetic, loud, as well as sweet, obedient, fun loving and great with people. She has such an active mind and imagination. We are always amazed by all the new things she is learning and can understand. Since she is in her "terrible two's" stage she is sure putting our parenting skills to the test. She has been so good with Vivian, but has been throwing tantrums and having difficulty in other ways. Hopefully we can be patient with her and help her through this transition. What a funny gal. We sure love Emma.
Vivian on the other hand is as mellow as they come. She sleeps ALL DAY LONG! We have a hard time getting her to wake up. I know I should be grateful for this, but it is fun to actually interact with her when she is awake. She's becoming more alert, but it just depends on the day. She is eating so much better than Emma did, which has to do a lot with me being more prepared. Vivian doesn't cry very often, but when she does it is usually just because she wants to eat, or because she needs a diaper change. Mike and I laugh at this because Emma could care less if she had a messy diaper, and continues that habit today. I sometimes wonder if Vivian is doing o.k. because I am so used to my super-active first child. We take her to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully she has gained more weight. These kiddo's come to us so small, it is a challenge to get them to gain weight.
It sure had been an adjustment adding another child to the mix, but Mike has been so helpful and understanding. He sure is a great father and husband. I know some days are going to be harder than others, but I just need to appreciate these little ones because they are such a blessing.