Sharp Family

Sharp Family

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Ohio State here we come!

Well, as you can see from the heading of this post, we have finally made our decision for Grad school and we will be going to Ohio State. We will be leaving in March. It is so nice to finally know where we will be going so that we can make plans and prepare. It's also nice that we won't be leaving until March because that will give us plenty of time to prepare, but not too much time to just wait around. We're sad to be leaving family and friends, but it will be an exciting adventure. I can't believe that it is November already. I am sooo excited for the holidays. This has been a pretty busy week. We went to Frightmares on Monday and then on Halloween we had a murder mystery dinner party. It was fun, but a lot of work. Mike played Inspector Cluedeu, a spin off of the Pink Panther detective, and he was definetly the life of the party.:) This weekend I am down at David's watching the kids. They have been so good. It's nice to be able to spend time with my nieces and nephews before we have to leave. Mike has a pretty crazy weekend as well. First, he helped move a piano and then he went to Bradleys hockey game. He has a ton of homework and a lesson to prepare for as well. I guess it's good for us to keep busy when we have to be apart. Well, that's it for the Sharps this week. Take Care!


Clark said...

Oh Lou, you (and your plant) are hilarious! Congrats on Ohio. How fun to go somewhere new. I think it's so good for a marriage (at least it was for ours) to be completely on your own. We're going to NC for an internship next summer. So fun! Alrighty, keep writing on your blog, you're so funny, I luv ya!

Mom in Orem said...


I signed up so I could respond to you on your Blog. Now I just have to remember my password! No small job.

I love this blog! It will be a great way to receive news of your adventures in Ohio. It is going to be such an amazing experience for the two for you. (Ohio not the blog). I am going to hate having you so far away, but if you keep this Blog up, we will be able to enjoy some of the journey with you!

Have you got a place to live yet?

Anonymous said...

OK honey, time for a blog update!

2by4 Forever!