O.K. so the past month or so I have been COMPLETELY unmotivated to do anything let alone write my blog so for those who actually check, ....sorry. My family has been lucky to get dinner. Oh boy, thankfully my hubby loves me. So here is a quick update of the past couple of months. We had a fun Halloween. We went to a party at a friends home in our ward. They went ALL out with bounce house, mechanical bull and all. Fun family. Emma was so excited about the trunker treat this year. They sang the "chicken dance" and she has been singing it and dancing it ever since. She was a beautiful Cinderella and I was happy that my last minute Minnie mouse ears for Vivian actually turned out. I won an award for "practically perfect in every way". Ha Ha, glad I could get some more use out of my costumes from last year.

For Thanksgiving we went to Las Vegas and spent it with the Andals again. It's nice to have family at least a little bit close by. They were wonderful hosts as usual and were patient with our crazy brood. Emma was having an extra rough week and week prior so it was interesting. Luckily she began to behave more like herself once we got to San Diego so that was a blessing. She had just been so defiant and emotional. Not a good phase. Anyway, after visiting with the Andals and the happy chance of having the Greens in Vegas as well. Woo Hoo getting to see 2 families, we headed down to San Diego. The first day was wonderful. We just walked along the "beach" of a little inlet, we also went to a pier, rode the merry go round and watched the surfers. It was such a nice day and we wished we would have brought the swimsuits to the beach with us since Vivian got soaked by a wave. That night we went to Old Town and had some good food. The best thing there was the Mormon Battalion visitors center. It has changed so much over the years and they completely renovated it. It was amazing. They had these talking "video" pictures that told the story and then you moved from room to room. It was super interactive for both parents and kids. At the end they took an old time photo of the families and then you could also "Pan" for gold. It was so well done and a nice place to feel the spirit of the pioneers. The next day we met up with Mike's brother Matt and his wife Evelyn to go to Sea World. Mike and the girls had never been so it was fun. Things had changed since the last time I had been, but it was still wonderful seeing the animals and the amazing shows.

We had a busy weekend because we turned right back around and headed home so Mike could be there to be sustained and set apart as the new bishop in our ward. It has been an interesting experience from his first promptings that this call was going to come to the blessings he's received since. He is so humbled by this call, but trusts that the Lord will help him. It will be an interesting journey for our family. When I first told Emma that her Dad was going to be the Bishop she just started laughing and then she started to cry. When I asked her why she was sad she said, "I don't want Daddy to be the Bishop because then he will stop making ice cream". It was funny that she thought this would be his new "full time" job. It sure adds a second, but her logic made me laugh.
The month of December is always wonderful yet so exhausting. I normally have desires to get out and do, but we have become wimps and it has been so cold here.:) Ha Ha, for most of you the low 20's probably sounds nice, but it is a record cold here. The other day our pipes froze which I thought was unheard of. Too funny. The Christmas party and Christmas concert will be this weekend and I am in charge of the program so it will be nice to get those things over with. Well, that about covers what we have been doing.
Oh, Emma has also done some fun things with her preschool, here are some photos of the annual fire station trip. Vivian is old enough to get into this stuff as well.

Hooray for the new post! I'm sorry you've been in the duldrums lately, winter always does that to me to. Twenty degrees is super cold, I would complain too. Sorry about the pipes, that's all that you need after the leak you had this summer. Mike will be a wonderful Bishop and you will be such a great support to him. Hooray for San Diego, Halloween, practically perfect in every way, and super cute little girlies! Love you!
Yay for a new post!!! It sounds like you had a super busy and fun Fall! I know that you and Mike will do a wonderful job serving your Ward and that the Lord will bless you.:) I hope that you can get warmed up a little bit, did your pipes freeze solid and need to be replaced, or just enough to give you stress? All of the pics looks like you had a great time, glad you were able to see Heidi.:)
I am feeling your lack of desire to blog - I had to force myself to do it too. I loved this post though, lots of good stuff in it. btw - your eyes in that second Halloween pic (were you a witch?) are huge and gorgeous!!!
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