So I have been tagged by Marnie so these are in response to her questions.
Q&As about my hubby-
What's his name? Michael Dennis Sharp
How long have you been together? We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary.
How long did you date? Uhhhhh..... 6 weeks.:)
Who eats more? That is definitely a toss up. I can eat a lot!
Who said "I love you" first? I did. He didn't hear me and after a LONG pause his first words were. "My nose is running".
Who is taller? Mike
Who sings better? I plead the fifth
Who is smarter? MICHAEL!!!!! He is very smart and married me.:) Just Kidding. He really is very smart.
Who does the laundry? We both do.
Who does the dishes? Mostly Mike
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Currently Mike sleeps on the right side of the bed although I like the right side and he prefers the left. We're amisleeptress.:)
Who pays the bills? I do after Mike gives me the commitment pattern! I tend to forget.:)
Who cooks dinner? I used to make dinner every night, but it had been more difficult now with our schedule. We usually just come home and eat leftovers or something quick.
Who drives when you are together? I usually drive because I like to drive better than Mike and I also need the practice with the stick shift.
Who is more stubborn? Me! Hands down. Mike will be stubborn for one second and then get over it. I tend to not back down until the flood gates open. There's no turning back after that.:)
Who kissed who first? Mike kissed me first.
Who asked who out first? Mike finally asked me out first.
Who proposed? Mike
Who is more sensitive? Uhh, that would be me, but I'm working on it. Some days I do better than others.:)
Who has more friends? I have more acquaintances than Mike, but Mike has more friends that he keeps in contact with.
Who has more siblings? Mike out did me by 1. There are 8 kids in his family. 7 in mine.
Who wears the pants in the family? I mostly wear Capri's this time of year. Mike says they are for people who can't make up their mind. (I think I wear the pants. Mike is really easygoing unless it's something he feels strongly about.)
Tag Your it: Jackie, Heidi, Kim, Jamie
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Anniversary Trip
Our Trip to DC and Maryland was incredible. We had amazing weather, inspiring sight seeing, and lots of fun with old/new friends. We started off by heading out early Friday morning. Our apartment complex was having a resident appreciation day, and handed us breakfast on our way out. We drove for a little over six hours and made it to the DC temple. It was really grande and beautiful, but kind of sad that we were one of two couples in our session. We then drove for 1 hour to go 9 miles to our hotel. A more experienced DC driver could have made it there quicker, but we were sticking to our mapquested roads. Our hotel was really nice, about 2 miles from the white house.
That night we met up with one of Mike's old friends and ate dinner, and then we went to see the monuments. It was a surreal feeling being in the Nations Capitol and seeing all the sights that you see so many times on TV and in the movies. One interesting part of our visit was all the motorcyclists. They had a big convention that weekend, and so everywhere we went there were gaggles of bikers. I think that our favorite monument in the national mall was the WWII monument. We then headed back to the metro station to take us to our hotel, but it was closed. So we debated about what to do. We thought we would try to hail a taxi, but by the time we walked to a place where we could see taxis driving by, we were a block a way from the nearest Metro, that was luckily open.
We woke up the next morning and ate the free breakfast at our hotel that we got from booking with orbitz. It ended up beeing just a lot of bread and fruit, but still pretty good. We met up with Mike's friend again, who works for one of the Idaho senators. He gave us a private tour of the capitol which was really neat. The main atrium was breath taking. It was intricate and ornate. The ceiling is beautiful, and filled with meaning. Mike's friend was also able to tell us some of the interesting stories about the capitol. For example, in one of the pictures of the signing of the declaration of independece, it looks like Thomas Jefferson is stepping on John Adam's foot. The legend goes that Jefferson paid the painter to paint it that way, since he and Adams were currently in a fued.
After the capitol we went to the White House and then to the Arlington Cemetary. The cemetary was a really neat experience. They had the flags out in front of all the graves for Memorial Day. We both felt a lot of appreciation for our country, and those men who died for our country, as we walked around the cemetary. There was one moment during a wreath ceremony at the tomb of the unkown soldier where they had a trumpeter play taps. It was the one moment that all the distractions of the thousands of people who were there was taken away. It was an inspiring moment.
We took off after all of that to go to Severna Park Maryland, Amy's first, favorite, and area she served in the longest. We stayed at one of the member's houses from that area named the Thompsons. They were incredibly nice. For dinner we ate just about everything under the sun and then some. The next morning we went to the Severna Park ward where about 70 members meet. It was really fun for Amy to see so many of her old friends, and Fun for Mike to meet all these people she has talked about. After church we headed to the Sheelys house in Elkridge Maryland. We stayed up talking about Food Science, Sister Sheeleys Conversion Story and Special Education. Needless to say that they were very nice and accommodating.
After a long wonderful trip we made two last stops on our way back home. We first stopped by to see the Guytons, a really fun member family from the same area. It was really exciting to see them. Then we went to the Milliron's house. Brother Milliron was just baptized as Amy went in to their area in Mt Airy. They were super nice and fed us lunch. 6 hours later we were back into good old Columbus Ohio. What a trip!!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
We've been reactivated!
We finally have a calling in our Ward. We are now primary teachers. We will be teaching the 6-7 year olds. We are pretty excited to be teaching together. We've also been giving a calling to work in the temple once a month cleaning laundry. On top of all this they asked us to give talks today. They went fairly well. It was funny because afterwords everybody was complimenting us. We felt like celebrities or something. The truth is we just quoted Conference talks.
It's amazing how being more involved in the church helps you to feel like you are more a part of it. We are getting to know more people. We both have home and visiting teaching routes. We are also having a chance to get to know some of the brand new members and investigators when we go out with the missionaries.
In other news we have had a somewhat eventful week. On Monday night Amy's Dad surprised us by coming and staying with us. It was fun to see family. On Wednesday Mike's brother went in to the MTC. On Thursday Mike's sister had a baby. Saturday we were pretty lazy, but did get up in time to watch Prince Caspian. We both liked it ok. We thought the special effects were better than the first one, but we like the story of the first one better.
We hope everybody is having a Holly Jolly May.
It's amazing how being more involved in the church helps you to feel like you are more a part of it. We are getting to know more people. We both have home and visiting teaching routes. We are also having a chance to get to know some of the brand new members and investigators when we go out with the missionaries.
In other news we have had a somewhat eventful week. On Monday night Amy's Dad surprised us by coming and staying with us. It was fun to see family. On Wednesday Mike's brother went in to the MTC. On Thursday Mike's sister had a baby. Saturday we were pretty lazy, but did get up in time to watch Prince Caspian. We both liked it ok. We thought the special effects were better than the first one, but we like the story of the first one better.
We hope everybody is having a Holly Jolly May.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The wonderful thing about skype, is that skype is a wonderful thing.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Happy Anniversary

So it isn't our anniversary quite yet, but in 3 weeks we will be celebrating 1 year of marriage. It is amazing how fast time goes. Mike and I have experienced so much this year that has taught us about ourselves and each other. We have really grown a lot and it has been wonderful. I can't wait for the many anniversaries to come. This year we may have the great opportunity of taking a "trip" for our anniversary. Luckily we were married over Memorial Day weekend and so each year we will hopefully have some time off. I have Monday off of work and we think we can get Friday off as well. If all goes as planned we are heading off to Washington D.C. and Maryland. Mike has never been to D.C. and while it is so close to my mission we are hoping to make the trek. There is so much to do and see in just 4 days, but we are going to try. We definitely have to go to the "Mall" and the D.C. temple. It's been a long time since I have been back to see a lot of the people and places in my mission so that will be a great experience as well. We are also planning on going to Detroit this summer. We are so blessed that both of our missions are within reasonable driving distance from us. Detroit is only 3 1/2 hours away so we might be able to go a couple of times. D.C. is 7 hours away but well worth the drive. It will be a crazy weekend, but we are looking forward to it. Also, Mike only has 1 more month of school left. I can't believe how fast school goes when you are on quarters. It seems like he just barely started, but yeah!!! for summer. Today I have the day off and I am going to try and catch up on some house work. It might not sound like too much fun on a day off, but it will be so nice to come home to a clean house. (Don't worry, I'm sure I'll get some relaxing time in as well:) Ta Ta for now!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Sharp Family to the Rescue
So yesterday we had a pretty uneventful day. We went to the temple in the morning which was nice and we then went shopping for some school supplies for Mike. After that there wasn't a whole lot left to do. At around 8:00 p.m. we had had cabin fever long enough that we decided to take a walk. We checked out our empty swimming pool at the complex and noticed that there were 2 little ducklings swimming around in the rain water at the bottom. A mother and father Mallard were squawking at them but the little ducklings couldn't get out of the pool. Eventually the ducks just left them. We were a little concerned and didn't quite know what to do. We thought maybe the parents would come back and help. We ended up calling a Wildlife center who told us that they were now abandoned and needed help. So Mike hopped the fence and rescued the ducklings. It was very cold and windy outside and one of the duckings wasn't doing very well. We decided they could take up residence in our bathtub for the night. Sadly, after about an hour, the sick little duckling passed away. It was really sad because we had tried so hard to warm them up. I guess we did as much as we could do. A website told us to put a plush toy in with the ducking so that they could cuddle up to it. It was so cute this morning to see the little duckling cuddled up next to Mikes stuffed "iguana". We are planning on taking the last duckling to the Wildlife Center this morning. Hopefully they'll have a safe place for her to live. It ended up being a pretty eventful and emotion filled evening. We hope we did the right thing for them. I think so.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Spring has Sprung
I can't believe it is already May. We have been here for a month and a half now and time has really gone by quickly. It feels so surreal sometimes. From what we hear, the weather in Utah has not been too desirable so I am sorry to inform you that in Ohio we have had beautiful warm days for the past 2 weeks.:) I guess I'm so excited about the nice weather because for the first 2 weeks we were here we got nothing but rain and more rain. It is nice to see the sky. We miss the mountains, but love how green everything is out here. There are flowering trees everywhere and it is becoming very green. We tend to get a couple of visitors everyday to our doorstep as well, some ducks. We have a pond in front of our complex and so there are plenty of geese and ducks wandering around the parking lot. It's a lot of fun. I've had a good change at work which has made things quite a bit easier. I am now teaching in the preschool classroom which is nice because it is the age group that I have more experience with and they can definitely do a lot more in a structured environment. It's amazing what 6 months can do for a child. I'm sure all the mothers can vouch for that. I miss my little toddlers though and I definitely learned a lot from them. It was hard, but good for me. So we'll see how things go with this new position. I am really liking it so far. Mike is currently working on a homemade batch of ice cream. Yummm! He is trying to perfect his recipe. He is so sweet. Yesterday he sent me some flowers at work. He likes to send flowers on days that I will not expect it and I definitely was not expecting it. I consequently made all of my co-workers very jealous. They said I would have to clone him. I have to agree that he's one in a million. I feel very lucky to have him. He's very patient and caring. He makes me pretty happy. Well, B-dee, B-dee, B-dee, that's all Folks.
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