So when we originally started out we planned on taking a couple years to finish our yard. We definitely won't get everything done this year, but we are really pushing forward and will be getting more done than we originally planned on. I have found out a lot about myself the past few months. I am really becoming O.C.D about things. When I start something, I am obsessive about finishing it, unfortunately regardless of the consequences sometimes. Our backyard has become one of those projects for me and luckily Mike has been very supportive. It will be nice to have our sprinklers and grass in, and who knows, maybe that will help us in getting a dog sooner.:) So we have planted 5 trees, and transplanted 2. We also received some roses and other shrubs from our neighbors that we are waiting to plant in our flower beds. If you look at the pictures you will see them planted in the middle of our yard. No, we are not having a rose garden in the middle of our grass, we are just waiting for a better place to put them. It will take a little while for everything to grow, but we will hopefully be getting some nectarines, peaches, plums, oranges, clementines, raspberries and blackberries within the next few years. We are currently working on our sprinklers. We were going to rent a trencher, but funny me, I thought we could just do it ourselves. I finally finished connecting the final trench today. Mike helped a lot as well. We have a ways to go, but things are starting to come together. Next up, "Square Foot Gardens".

Our flowering pear tree. (Mike and the neighbors moved the big tree to the back and we planted this one in the front yard.)

So Emma has been sick the last few days. It started out as just a cough, but now she has a little fever to go with it. She has been miserable poor girl. I think she is starting to feel a little bit better, but it comes in waves. I was actually able to get some smiles out of her for these pictures even though she is not feeling very good.