So about a month ago I obtained about 4 bushels of Nectarines and I was bound and determined to "put them up". I have actually never canned myself before. I have helped my mom out while she has done it, but this was my first attempt. After purchasing the pot, bottles, ingredients and other equipment, I was ready to go. I first made some Nectarine pie filling. My sister in laws made a wonderful peach pie filling that we LOVED and so I thought it wouldn't be too different to use Nectarines. It turned out O.K., but not as good as with peaches. Next I made 2 different types of jam, spiced nectarine and just regular nectarine jam. I was a woman on a mission, so unfortunately my daughter and husband didn't quite get my full attention for awhile. Luckily I was forced to take a break from my obsession while we went to Utah, but my brother in law Matt brought home so Tomatoes a couple days ago and so I was on to SALSA! I've realized that this year has been one of trial and error. The salsa came out just o.k. as well. I really need to find a good recipe for bottled salsa. Emma and Mike have been pretty patient through the whole thing, but the next time I'm in the kitchen and Emma starts pushing me to move, and saying No, No, NO, I think I will listen and give us all a break. This canning business is a lot of work!

(These old poster pictures just cracked me up, doesn't it look like so much fun!)
I wondered why we haven't heard from you for a while:). I have a really good recipe for salsa that I will have to get to you...you can make it spicy-hot or not...It is your choice!
I love the pics; Mike and Emma are just used to your undivided attention ;-).
Way to go on accomplishing canning on your own. I still haven't attempted it on my own. It is a lot of work. Maybe next time you can get Mike in on it too.
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