So I wish I would've taken some pictures to document our fun, but obviously I didn't. This past week was my turn to teach our little preschool co-op. It was just Tuesday and Thursday from 8:15-11:15. The kids bring a lunch with them and so they have lunch at preschool as well. I really tried to be prepared for a variety of situations so that I could be flexible, and I was happy by how well each day went. The first day I could tell that some of the kids were apprehensive by coming to a new place and having a different routine, but we had a good time. Each week we teach a different color, letter, number, and shape as well as a monthly theme. It felt so good being able to put my education to some use. We have a wide range of ages in the kids that attend. Emma is the youngest at 2 1/2 all the way up to a 4 1/2 year old. I was concerned about this, but it was just fine. I think the thing I was most surprised about was Emma. I had been so concerned about how she was doing in preschool since she is the youngest and sometimes has a hard time sitting still for too long, but she was so good. It makes me emotional just thinking about it because I was so proud of her. It may have been because she was at out house, but she wanted to participate in everything, and was really excited to do everything we were doing. I have been so amazed at how much she has been picking up on things and really retaining information. She is sure a cute smartie pants. We sure love her. The other day we were going on a walk and Emma saw some kids down the street. She started calling them her "friends". Any kids are "her friends". Mike commented that she sure had a lot of friends and she replied by saying, "Yes, I do." We sure got a kick out of that. She is sooo friendly. She has also been getting closer to potty training. She has pooped on the potty a few times and the past couple of days has told me that she needed to sit on the toilet and has actually gone pee. Neither Mike or I are too excited about the potty training days and have been holding off until we get back from our Thanksgiving trip to Utah, but she is sure looking ready so it won't be long.
She wanted me to take a picture of her doing this back bend looking upside down. Funny girl.:)

Wow I sure have a lot of laundry to put away.:)

Also, Vivian is now 3 months old. Where has all the time gone. I can't believe that someday she will grow up just like Emma. I look at Emma and still can't believe have big she is. They really do grow up so fast. It is fun seeing their personalities come out and see all they can do, but I also need to remember to appreciate these days I have with them while they are young. We sure are blessed.

What a fun post:). I love how she said that she had a lot of friends...that is AWESOME! She sure doesn't get that confidence from us;-). She is starting to look just like you...SO Cute, and little miss ViVi is just darling, do you think she will stay looking darker? I can't remember when Emma turned blond.
So cute! It's amazing how little ones look up to older kids - they want to imitate and be just like them. It will be a great experience for her to be with the older kids, especially since she doesn't have an older sibling. She is such a fun, cute girl! And, I LOVE the pictures of Viv. She is getting so big! I can't wait to see your sweet family in a month!! If you need anywhere to crash or anything else, let me know.
I'm so glad that everything went so well. Woo hoo! I can't wait until I can meet miss Vivvy!
I'm so glad you had a good experience with preschool and Emma too. I did something like that with Bella and Sam. It was a lot of fun! Loved the pictures. They do grow up too fast!
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