So Tuesday started out as a fairly untypical day. Emma had preschool and I had a dentist appointment. Because of my appointment Vivian was going to be babysat for the first time. I headed off to my dentist appointment hoping that Vivian would survive. She hadn't been feeling well that past week and was very cranky. I got to the dentist knowing that I was going to have 3 minor cavities filled. Once they started the procedure I was surprised by how long it was taking and how much the dentist was drilling one tooth in particular. He stopped midway to let me know that it was a very deep filling and they were getting very close to the root. If he hit it they would have to do a root canal! Yikes!! Needless to say I was panicking. Not only did I not want a root canal, but I definitely didn't have the extra time to get one. I needed to get back and feed Vivian as soon as possible. Luckily the dentist was awesome and DID NOT hit my root so all was well. (Just an aside, I HATE going to the dentist and used to say that I would rather have a baby than go, but I have since changed my tune, and so getting fillings was a cake walk):) An hour and a half later I called the sister in my ward who was watching Vivian to let her know I was on my way. Luckily Vivian had just woken up and was doing well. I HAD left a bottle, but Vivian won't really take one anymore. So I am on a mad dash to go pick her up when I stop at a stop light and begin hearing this Meowing sound and someone honking. I look over and this lady is yelling to me from her car that some cat just crawled up into my car. WHAT!!! HOW RANDOM IS THAT!!! So here I am stopping traffic in the turning lane of a very busy road trying to get this cat to not only come out from under my car, but come out from the "body" of my car, not run out into oncoming traffic, and I didn't want to continue driving with the fear that I would run over or crush the cat. Urgh! The lady who stopped was trying to help me and we eventually were able to cross traffic and the get to a side street where the cat ran out and off the road. We followed the cat, which ended up being a little kitten, and after multiple tries were able to catch it. We didn't want to leave it there next to the busy road so I said I would take it home with me. (I figured my hubby wouldn't mind one bit) My vet was close by so I decided to stop and drop the kitten off there so that we could get it checked out before bringing it home. Mike's work is half a mile from the vet so I thought he could just meet me over there and stay while I picked up the kids. Yeah, so I got there and couldn't find my phone to call him. I had to use the vets phone and he wouldn't pick up because he didn't recognize the number. By this time it was time to pick Emma up as well and I was horrified by how late I was for picking up Vivian. I decided to just pick them all up with the little kitten still in the car, hiding under the seat. I picked up Vivian and she was fine. I felt like the worst mom ever though. I guess Vivian had done really well which I was grateful for. I decided to feed her at the sisters home and then pick Emma up, so I had to call and see if she could stay a little while longer at preschool. I got Viv fed, picked up Emma and FINALLY made it home.
Now we had to decide what to do with this kitten. We were finally able to lure the kitten into a kennel with some milk and put her in the bathroom. She was very scared and would hiss at us. We got her some food which she chowed down in a matter of seconds. Poor thing must have been starving. We got her a litter box and luckily she has been using it. We decided that it wasn't the best decision to keep the cat for a number of reasons, but first of all because we are leaving for Utah in a week. We posted on Craigslist, talked to the SPCA, etc but were having no luck. The shelter here will kill kittens if they are not adopted quickly. We have A LOT of stray animals here in Bakersfield. It is sad. So the shelter was NOT an option. We tried to take her to the vet, but the vet couldn't even get close to her in order to check her. We would have had to sedate her in order to even get a check up/shots. We decided to think about that for a day and last night I saw an add for a family that "fosters" small animals. They take the animal into their home, socialize it and prepare it for adoption. They said that they would be happy to take our little kitten. I couldn't believe what angels there are out there who are willing to do that. We feel so blessed and grateful that this cute little kitten will have a chance at a good happy life. WOW!! It has been an eventful last couple of days. Now on to cleaning my house and making food for the Recipe Group we are hosting tonight. AHHHH I must be crazy.
You are not crazy, just a very sweet hearted gal:). I am glad that Viv did well at her first babysitting experience and that everything turned out!
Oh wow, that black kitty with the bright blue eyes is striking! So cute. :)
Crrrraaazy day!!
What a day! It sounds like it could be an episode of a sitcom.
I'm sure all of the people helping you with the girls understood.
I love the kitten. All black cats are especially cute!
Ohhh how sweet. You are so nice! If it were me I would have had to leave it on the side of the road. Joshy would have screamed bloody murder if I tried taking it home. what a cute kitty. I'm wondering what a recipe group is? It sounds interesting.
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