This is the second year in a row that we have "grown" our own butterflies. The company that distributes the butterfly habitats is located not far from us so we picked us up some new caterpillars. It is so interesting and a lot of fun to watch the whole process. When you first get your caterpillars they are so small, almost the size of a grain of rice and then they just grow a lot everyday. It is honestly like the book the big hungry caterpillar. After a week they are fully grown and at least and inch long. They crawl to the top of their little cup, make their chrysalis, and then you put them in their "habitat". After another week they emerge as butterflies. We released them yesterday and I was lucky enough to get a few good pictures.

So this picture of Emma is her being a little startled as one of the butterflies flew away. (O.K. so notice the random street sign in the background. O.K. this is seriously a mystery. We came home from church on Sunday and noticed this cross street sign stuck in our fruit tree! How crazy is that. We have not idea how it got there. Either our neighbors tossed it over their fence or someone seriously came into our yard and placed it there. Either way, Scary!)
Anyway back to the butterflies. Such a fun experience. I highly recommend purchasing them and trying it out for yourself. It's about $20
I am surprised that they evole that quickly! I remember getting catterpillers during the fall and it seemed to take SO LONG for them to change from chrysallis to must have different, speedy caterpillers:)).
I did that when I taught 3rd grade... so fun. I bet your girls LOVE it! You're a cutey patootie mom!
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