Another change is that of Emma starting school. We really didn't want to send her on the bus, but after weighing our options decided it would be the easiest and safest option all around for her. It was so sad the first day seeing our little girl leave us. We followed the bus to the school and met her at the playground. She was having so much fun and it was so surreal. We just looked at each other wondering when she grew up. She seems to be really enjoying herself and doing well. Hopefully that will continue. She's been really funny about learning the names of the new kids. She has made a new friend, Sophia and just told us last night about the "naughty princesses" as she called them. She calls them the naughty princesses because they like to play princess and won't let her play with them. Oh man did that bring out the mamma bear in me. As a parent to sure want to shield your kids from rejection and unkindness. I hope that she can be resilient because she is such a sweet and friendly child.

Vivian is going through her own new stages. She is becoming more independent and defiant. She cries when she doesn't get exactly what she wants and she LOVES to tell her mom NO! Oh boy do we have a little diva. Sweet as a button, but she is just testing her boundaries right now. Luckily she has been really good with Gordon so that helps. We are also trying to get her "piping" more "regulated". She has had constipation her whole life going at least a week at a time without having a bowel movement. This then makes it more difficult for her to want to eat and the problem continues. She is on stool softeners and we are changing her diet. Hopefully things will continue to improve.
I just got a new calling. I am going to be serving as a young womens advisor. I am so excited. The Young Womens organization is the only one I have yet to serve in and I love the women I will be serving with. Yay!
With all of these changes we have been blessed with the help and support of friends and neighbors and we are starting to find our new "normal". We are thankful for our children and the experiences we are having. There is much to be grateful for.
Sure love this cute family of mine
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