I just wanted to take a few sentences to describe my appreciation for the Book of Mormon. It is such a wonderful book and blessing to me. As I prayerfully read it's contents, I am happy and feel close to god, my days truly go better, and I am more able to feel the spirit and make good choices. There are so many important truths found in the Book of Mormon. I know Christ better because of reading it. I understand the plan that god has for me better because of reading it. It is an amazing tool that has blessed my life.
It's interesting how much evidence has been discovered to verify it's truthfulness. Here is a good website that has some interesting information: http://www.jefflindsay.com/BMEvidences.shtml I suppose there are also critics that claim to have "evidence" of it's falseness. That is the amazing thing about the book though. It is not pretentious enough to ask people to believe in it from it's mere existence, but we are to take the challenge, each time we read the Book of Mormon, and ask god in humble prayer if it is true. I've taken the challenge, and know that it is true, and what a wonderful gift it is.
As someone who reads the BoM every day, I agree with you. My days are all screwed up when I miss this time, usually over breakfast. You can truely get "closer to God" by reading the BoM than by reading any other book.
I love this post. Thanks for sharing your testimony. You've always been such a great example to me...what a woman you are!
I am also grateful that the Book of Mormon asks us to find out for ourselves if it is true...and I also know that it is. The days that I take the time to not just "get in my reading" but to really search it out are so much better than those that I don't. I feel the Spirit in my life so much more. It is such a great blessing to be able to have it. Thanks again for your testimony and good example.
What a great testimony, The BOM can be a help for whatever reason and any time if we take the time to prayerfully read it.
It was great to see you guys this past week, I love the new layout.
This was a nice post Amy. How are you getting settled back into normal life? Are your laundry piles as big as mine? ;-) Love ya!
Ok, so you have a testimony about the Book of Mormon (which I appreciated very much) posted right next to videos about a dancing show? Hmmmmm remember that childrens show "one of these things is not like the other, one of these things isn't the same"?
Just seemed funny to me, especially after living in LA and knowing the lifestyles that we saw from most people involved in the entertainment business in any way.
Thanks for coming to the reunion! We had a blast with you there.
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