We had a really fun evening last night. Mike had wanted to go to the Utah Jazz game vs. the Cleveland Cavaliers since it would be our only opportunity to see the Jazz this season. We weren't sure if we could afford tickets until Mike found them for an awesome deal, $4.00. We couldn't pass it up and so we took a road trip to Cleavland. It was so nice to be able to get out and do something different. It's probably a bad sign if I am stir crazy already, just wait until the baby comes.:) There was a really nice mall right next to the arena and so we were able to park there and have dinner. There were at least 4 Chinese restaurants in the food court there, and they were all competing for our business. They had employees out giving away food samples like used car salesmen. We probably could have filled up on samples.
I love the holidays when all of the shopping centers are decorated, it really helps to get you into the holiday spirit.

I wanted Mike to write this post because he has a lot more to say about the game, but all in all it was a pretty embarrassing 4th quarter. It was a lot of fun to be there, but we were pretty outnumbered in our cheering section. By the end of the game I felt like we should have been cheering for the Cavs as well, but I guess we will stick with the Jazz. We had a good time, and hopefully we'll get a chance to go and see the Celtics play in Cleavland as well.
What a fun date! And $4.00 tickets, woo hoo for that! That is funny that the Chinese food places were trying so hard for your business. I craved Chinese really badly when I was pregnant with Jed, so I bet you were in heaven.
You guys are totally cute & fun and well, we need to hang out soon!! I didn't get to talk to you @ church, and am pretty much going through withdrawals...just fyi!! ;)
Really though, so glad you got to get away and visit Cleveland this weekend - looks like you had a blast. Christmas season, especially in malls with how they decorate, is one of my faves too!!
Sounds like fun. Glad you could have a good time, and only $4.00. That's cheap. I guess not too many other people interested in seing the Jazz.:) J/K Enjoy these moments when you can just leave on a whim. When you have that baby it will take a bit more planning. But it's worth it.
Fun date night! Go Jazz, I bet the other fans were giving you guys dirty looks ;-)
Sounds like you guys had a great time. Even if the Jazz didn't win. :(
We didn't see you at the game, but I am glad that the Cav fans didn't give you too much grief; I am sure it would have been different if the Jazz had won. I hope that the drive wasn't too much, I guess you made it home:).
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