So today I decided to try Emma out on "solid" foods. We got all prepared with the good old rice cereal, bowl, and baby spoon. I was surprised at how watered down the cereal has to be once they first start on it. I was basically just pouring it down her poor throat. I was pretty excited to get going that I didn't think about the fact that we have no where to sit her to eat. We have been wanting to get a Bumbo chair or something similar since we don't have a ton of room for a high chair, but we haven't found one yet, and so I got a little anxious to just get going. Oh well, we managed. As you can see from the pictures it was received with mixed emotions. I'm sure it will get better as time goes on.

Oh Boy That Looks Good!

What a Mess

Are We Done Yet?

Well I'm Done Mom! No More!
I highly recommend just getting a booster seat like we have. My kids still use theirs. You can adjust the height on them & the trays are removable for when they get older. They are also nice because they fold up & you can take them to ward parties, barbecues, family get-togethers etc... Not only do they save space, but they're only 15-20 bucks & they are worth every single penny.
I am just catching up on your blog. I loved this one. The pictures are so fun! Looks like Emma is going to have her own ideas about what is YUM!
I didn't really like the first few feedings of solid foods. It takes a while for the babies to get a hang of, and they don't really like it at first. It is so messy, and it seems that more of it ends up all over the place rather than in the mouth. Your pictures made me laugh. It reminded me of the day.
I love the play by play pictures! It is so much fun when they atrt to eat solid foods, they start to seem like little people instead of babies ;).
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