So we FINALLY got the Internet hooked up at our new house and now I can feel a little bit more connected to everyone again. We moved into our new home last Thursday and it has been so nice not having to drive back and forth from home to home like we were doing before. At first I was really nervous being in this big house alone, but now that we have been here a few days it is getting easier. It is such a blessing to have a place of our own. Gracie is a little overwhelmed with all the extra space and places to explore, but Emma has been doing great. She is trying so hard to crawl. She get so close, but can't figure out how to coordinate her hands and legs at the same time. She gets so frustrated that she can't do it, but is getting better every day. She is also getting a tooth! We have been waiting for this day for awhile and it is finally here. She has been a trooper and gives the funniest "gummy" grins.

Oh, We went and met our neighbors the other day and it was a lot of fun meeting new people. It was funny because when we introduced ourselves to our neighbors right next door they said, "Are you Mormon, because so are we." I guess the name Emma sent them in that direction for some reason. Anyway it was kind of funny. We didn't know them because they go to the Spanish ward. They also have a 16 year old daughter who I'm sure we will get good use out of for babysitting purposes. More than anything it is just nice to know and feel comfortable with the people around us. It makes us feel more at home.
So here are some of the pictures of the paint job on the house. I am taking a serious break from painting and so there are more pictures to come when I get everything done.
Living Room



I LOVE IT!!! That looks fantastic, Amy! Are you doing the island green? I noticed you had it taped. Every color you picked is perfect. I really liked your yellow too. Every color is perfect(I know, I said it twice). And your decorations look fantastic! I loved your cute table decorations. I've lived in my house for over a year now & you have yours more put together in a few days than mine is. Look at you & your fun new house. And I'm glad that you're starting to meet your neighbors, that makes such a big difference. I can't wait to see my little ladybug next weekend. I'll be counting down the days until we get to play...woo hoo!
Your house looks great! I love the colors you have chosen. I'm very impressed!
You did awesome with the paint choices, I love the red color, it is hard to get red right and the green is so peaceful and pretty. You guys are AWESOME!
I love the picture of our gummy Emma, I am so excited to see how much she has grown and I got super excited when you said you would see us next week, we sure have missed you guys!
Yea for neighbors that sre members, that is really cool:) Kudos to you for going and introducing yourselves, alot of people wait to until their neighbors come to see them.
I loved this post - lots of fun detail! Hooray for Emma and a new tooth! Yea for neighbors that you like & who have a babysitting girl. Yippee for your fantastic job painting. Everyone's already said how I feel... it looks great and I can't believe how quickly it's put together. Also, I really like how your pantry door has glass in it - super cute.
Oh Emma is so cute! I am soooo glad that you internet is up and running. It makes all the rest of us feel connected to you better too. The paint work is wonderful! I agree with Jackie, you have picked colors that will enliven the soul! It is so much fun to have your first home!
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