Our little "Emma Jeanette" (That could even be a cabbage patch name):) is 7 months old today. I keep talking about how big and grown up she is getting, but she just continues to change so much and it has been a lot of fun to see her progress. She has decided that it is fun to pull on mommy's hair and to grab Dad's glasses. She loves Gracie and likes to pet her when allowed. I think I will have to watch them pretty closely now that Emma know how to grab and Gracie sure know how to tell you when she doesn't like what you are doing. Gracie has been so good with Emma from the very beginning though. She's really patient with all of the "squealing" and attention that Emma gets. She's always pretty careful around her, but I'd be mad if someone pulled my tail. So here's Emma in her Halloween costume. We were so excited that we found it. Emma's bedroom has a ladybug theme and I just like ladybugs in general. We have the hardest time getting any good pictures of her. She is constantly moving and doesn't quite know how to "ham it up" for the camera yet. She just stares at it. She sure smiles for us on a regular basis though.
Emma and Mike have been really patient with me this week. I have been trying to get all of the painting done this week since our stuff is being moved into our house tomorrow. At the beginning of the week I had high hopes and aspirations, by the middle of the week I was in chaos and despair, and by the end of the week I really didn't care too much anymore. I just tried to focus more on what really "needed" to get done instead of trying to do "Everything". Sometimes I get these grand ideas and I think for some reason that I can accomplish them in a short amount of time. So I had a major reality check this week and I'm sure I'll have another one next week when I'm trying to get everything put away in our house. Poor Emma needs more mommy time so I'll have to adjust my expectations for myself and the house. It will be very nice to get all of stuff back finally though. So this post is forever long, but I just have to make a shout out to my hubby who is going to "Defend" his thesis this coming week. We are so proud of him and all of the hard work he has put in in order to get his research and thesis done on top of moving and starting a new job. It will be so nice for him when it is all over and he finally has a diploma in his hand. We wish him luck and wish we could be there to watch him present.
What a cute little ladybug! As for the cabbage patch doll...the verdict is still out, I can't decide.
Good luck defending Mike, I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job!
Emma is the cutest lady bug that I have ever seen! I think that she is head and shoulders cuter than Bab Amy! (That was Bab Amy in the picture right?) Try not to beat yourself up when you can't fulfill all of your goals for the house...it will definetely be a process that will take more than a few days or weeks:)
So cute! I guess she does kind of look like a cabbage patch doll, but the real questions is, does she smell as good as they do? I'm guessing she does ;-)
Good luck defending your thesis Mike!!
I think the picture of Emma in your last blog, the one with the yellow head band on, looks the most like a cabbage patch doll. She sure is cute in her ladybug costume. So what did she think of Halloween?
Mike good luck! We want to hear how you did. Maybe you can write a blog about it!
Amy it sounds like your way buisy with moving, and getting the new house ready. You'll love it once your all unpacked I'm sure. It is a big job though, and hard to do with a little one. Good luck to you too.
Emma looks so cute in her lady bug costume. Good luck moving in to the new house, and good luck to Mike on defending!
Emma is the cutest little lady bug! My mom use to call all her granddaughters when they were little little lady bugs. It made me smile to see Emma all dressed up as one! And she is NOTHING like a cabbage patch doll. She is beautiful and cabbage patch dolls are not.
she is a little like a cabbage patch doll, that cute round face with beautiful big eyes!
she looks so cute in that lady bug costume!
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