Sharp Family

Sharp Family

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Painting Updates

So I have been trying to think of anything new to share on the blog and I can never think of anything. Our days are usually pretty much the same, Emma is as cute as can be and is learning so many new things. She loves to have us chase her and she will laugh and laugh. She continues to torture the cat, and Gracie is SO patient thank heavens. Emma also loves to eat solid food and will beg for food if we are ever eating and she isn't. She loves these Gerber "puffs" and has been trying to figure out how to get this container open herself. She's pretty determined. Mike is busy with work and we both keep busy with our individual callings. Emma has had a chance to spend more one on one time with her Dad though now that I am gone more during the week for Relief Society. Other than that the only new thing is our BATHROOM!!! I have been putting this bathroom off forever, but finally got a spurt of energy to get it finished. I originally wanted to do the blue walls with brown towels, but the room has no windows and so I decided to go with the yellow and white to make it a little lighter. We were pretty happy with how it turned out and it is amazing how much different it is now. Paint sure goes a long way. I also never showed a picture of our bedroom paint job. I think I am pretty much done with the paint for awhile. It may seem like all of our walls are colorful, but most of the house is still white. We'll have to wait until we can get the rest of the house. Too big of a job for me and too tall of ceilings, and white isn't a bad color except for it is just flat white and shows all of the marks and dirt, etc. Anyway, too much information, but that's what's new with the Sharps.
P.S. The blue is pretty dark, but not as dark as the pictures show. It's hard to get the exact color to show up.


Jackie said...

Thanks for the pictures. It's so fun to see what you've done, it looks great! It really is amazing what paint can do.

Unknown said...

I love it! I am definitely not ambitious enough to paint a single every wall in every room is the same lovely tan'll do.

tkfonzie said...

Amy you are the new queen of decorating! I love how you have given each room it's own personality. I remember when I used to decorate......then I lost my mojo. Most boys just don't care how cute stuff is.

Monica said...

Wow! Amy you are quite the decoratore. I love the bathroom and bedroom.

Before you know it Emma will be opening that can.

Heidi Green said...

My kids loved those puffs too! It's fun to get an update on Emma. She changes so fast that it's nice to hear about her fun things often.

That yellow is such a happy color. It's funny how things just fall into place different than you expect but still turn out great. I've never seen ribbon around throw pillows like you've done, it's a cute touch.

Miss Heather said...

CUTE paint! I LOVE the bathroom!

Mandos said...

You seam to have a real nack for puting a home together. Love everything I have seen so far!