So have you noticed that I go through posting kicks. I have all of these things that I have wanted to post about and so you get to hear about them all in a 2 day period. First off a couple of weeks ago I pulled out my sewing machine and made these cute little guys. I haven't sewn in forever and I've just had this random fabric sitting around my house and thought I could make some valances. They were so easy and really give my rooms some color. I was happy about how they turned out.

I also wanted to show you all our garden. It is amazing to me that you can put a teeny tiny seed in some dirt, water it and in a month it looks like this..

These are our Mandarin oranges.

Everything is doing great except for our lettuce and brocolli. I think it is just too hot. I knew it would be, but thought I'd try it anyway. I guess those will have to wait until the fall when it cools down a bit. I was amazed by this experiement. I always heard that you could take an eye of a potato, put it in the ground and it would grow. I had some potatoes that had sprouted and so I cut them up and planted them. A week later they started to bloom. I can't believe how well they are doing. I also planed the end of an onion and as you can see it is coming up as well. I need to move these around in my garden boxes, but I planted them all together because I honestly didn't know if they would really grow. As a first time gardener these are the things that make it fun. I'm sure actually "eating" these vegetables will be even better.

Lastly, Emma has been walking really well for 2 weeks now and I still hadn't taken a video of her. This will have to do. Oh, she's just too cute.