We have been wanting to go to the beach for quite a while now and last Saturday we finally decided to go. We had everything packed for a nice sunny day at the beach until we got there and it was 50 degrees and overcast. We had no idea that the temperatures would be so different at the coast than in Bakersfield. Just naivete for us new Californians. Luckily I had packed a hoody, and Emma had some pants and a jacket in the car. We ended up going to Morro Bay and walked around the shops, etc. We just happened upon the beach there and it turned warm and sunny so we were able to break out the swim wear and have a little fun. Emma loved walking in the sand. She had a lot of fun just running around. She had a little bit of a runny nose and so at one point she did a face plant into the sand and this was the result. Sandy boogers!

We ended our time with a TON of fish and chips. It was a long day, especially the REALLY winedy road getting home, but we had a great time.
How Fun! That picture of Molly is pretty funny:). The same thing happened to Drew when he went to L.A. last year for spring break: It was WAY too cold and reainy to do anything on the beach. He was bummed. I am glad that you got some sun in the end!
Tune in soon for video of Jake surfing...he is a fan of it now:).
Oh I am so excited for that. It was the best last year. He was so excited. I bet he is pretty good at it.
That sounds like a fun outing. How far is the beach from you? I'm glad it warmed up for you. I wouldn't have thought it would be cold either. It was a hundred degrees here.
So fun! I love the beach.
The beach is my favorite place to be! I'm glad you got to go, hopefully next time will be a bit better weather. I'm glad Emma loved the feel of the sand. When Lauren was her age she didn't like the way it felt and sat on a towel the whole day.
Your hair looked dark in that picture. I know you cut bangs, but did you darken it too or is it just getting darker as you age (like me)?
Yummo and hooray for fish and chips. Mmmm.
Sand boogies! hahah soo cute! Love the beach pics! Amy! Your hair is super cute! New look? Love it!
Molly's picture is the best! It is so cute. Hopefully, you aren't still brushing sand out of her fur. I have a friend who grew up in Costa Mesa and always talked about going to the beach. It's just what Californian's do.
I love that last picture of Molly in the sand...too funny. And I keep forgetting that you've cut your hair. It's a fun surprise every time I see a picture of you.
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