It has been a lot of fun sharing our Halloween traditions with Emma this year. She is finally able to participate a little bit more, and we sure get a kick out of watching her explore new things. This time it was pumpkin carving. We went to the cutest little pumpkin patch and picked out some pumpkins. The last time we carved pumpkins we bought one of those carving kits and so our pumpkins looked amazing, but this year we went with just regular "be your own kind of creative". Carving pumpkins was always my favorite thing to do for Halloween. I thought my pumpkin turned out pretty good, and I had to add "teeth" because Emma is fascinated with teeth right now. I was VERY impressed with Mike's "house" pumpkin face. He's so creative, and imaginative. I hope Emma gets some of those skills from him. She was so proud of being able to help take out all of the yucky pumpkin guts.

She really didn't manage to get much out with her spoon, but she tried really hard, and had a good time. She also tried to "eat" the pumpkin. I don't know how good it tasted, mommy didn't let her get very far with it.:) Here we are with our finished creations.

Yesterday was our wards "Trunk or Treat". It is a pretty big deal in our ward and more people than actually come to church each week show up. I was released from the Relief Society Presidency on Sunday and was then called to the Activities committee, so I was thrown in to the calling pretty quick. OH boy I was a micro-managing mess. I always want everything to be perfect, without any kinks, but I really need to learn how to chill out! Luckily I am just a helper bee and I'm not the person who is really in charge. It should be a fun calling if I can learn how to not stress myself out over stupid things. Anyway, Mike was wonderful and watched Emma the whole night so I could help out. I think everyone had a great time. Emma was really "clingy" last night and so it was hard to get her to smile for any of these pictures. We were going to dress her up as a princess, but her favorite little friend Hayley(2) was dressing up as a BYU cheerleader, and so we decided it would be funny to dress Emma in her University of Utah cheerleading outfit that we have. (I was personally rooting for BYU, but don't tell Emma's dad that.):)

It will be interesting to see if we will actually get "trick or treaters" this year now that we live in a house. We have always had candy, and never a tricker or a treater. Gotta love the fall.