Yesterday Mike was able to go with the youth up to "Marble Falls". I guess it is about a 4 mile hike in and then back. It sounds like he had a great time. It looks beautiful. Besides the ticks, snakes, and bears they saw on their way it sounds like a fun trek to make as a family. They went a little ways further and were able to see some of the Giant Sequoia trees. It's amazing how many beautiful and diverse creations the Lord has given to us. Hopefully we'll be able to take advantage of even more fun summer activities within the next month before the baby comes.
P.S. Baby Update
My severe itching has subsided, now just typical skin stretching itches. Yeah! The doctors only concern now is how small the baby is measuring. We are all pretty sure it is just genetic, Emma was measuring small as well, but they are monitoring me twice a week to just check everything, and I will have another ultrasound this week to see how much she weighs. A lot of appointments, but I'm grateful that they have the ability to keep a close eye on how she is progressing. It helps bring peace of mind. At this point we are hoping for a full term delivery.
34 Weeks-
Emma's swimsuit is so cute. It sounds like a blast playing in all that water.
That tree that Mike is in front of is AMAZING!
I'm glad that your itching has stopped. I can't wait to see that little cutie.
I agree with everything that Jackie said:). You seem to be carrying she driving you crazy? I am amazed that they sae bears out and much as I have been in the 'wilds' I have never seen a Bear and that includes Yellowstone!
Wow - that bear looked close!
And Emma looks too cute in her swimsuit! I'm glad you're keeping cool - you've inspired me to get out our kiddie pool... maybe. ;)
I'm so glad you can cool off in the pool. That tree is humungus! That would be a neet sight to see. What is your due date again? I know it's close.
Glad you are having fun with your pool. It is the exact same as ours. Any chance to cool off is a blessing.
You are so blessed to have such a variety of things to do so close to home. But Amy don't try to over due it so close to the end. I am glad they are saying things are looking good. I hope you are able to go full term. Let us know if we can do anything.
It's amazing that you're so close to having the baby! I'm glad the itching is gone. There are so many other uncomforatble things to deal with.
It's nice Emma can have fun swimming. Emily has wanted to swim since April! Our weather hasn't been warm enough though.
I love this self photo of you Amy! Soo cute! You have that pregnant glow still! Love it!
I itch all the time too! My hands, feet, tummy....I think mine just come along with being pregnant though I hope. I didn't itch as much when I was pregnant with Lynsi cause we were in OHio and it was moist and humid...but here in Dry Utah...itching is annoying. :)
I can't wait to see pics of your sweet little baby! Hope all goes well!
That trek MIke went on looks amazing! What a beautiful place! Bears! yikes!
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