So after my last post we went to the doctor and found out that Vivian had only gained 2 ounces in 10 days. What! We thought she was doing so well, she was finally having wet and poopy diapers. How discouraging. He decided to run some more blood tests as well as give her an I.V. to help with dehydration. I felt like the worst mom ever! It's hard enough watching your little baby getting needles poked in her, but I just felt like it was my fault, like I wasn't feeding her or something. I sure have been trying. So we are having to supliment her with bottles, and unfortunatley with all the craziness going on my milk supply is starting to wain. Oh the joys. Hopefully she will have gained some more weight this week. I also wanted to post a few more cute pictures of my yahoo's.
Not quite sure what is going on here.:) She loves to make this funny face when she says "cheese".
Ohhhh I love VIV!!!! What a cutie!!!!!! Cute name too! Love the first pic of VIV and the silly face of Emma!
How are you feeling Amy? Hope you and everyone else is doing well! We miss you guys!!!
I think you are being too hard on your self. I remember with Annadele she lost 1 lb after a month. She survived me starving her for a whole month. Do not feel bad. I know easier said than done. It is hard not to worry about our little ones. Especially when they can not speak for them selves. It will all work out in the end. Just do your best and trust the Lord will help you.
LOVE that first picture. So cute. I'm glad things are on the right track now with her eating. You're doing an awesome job with what I'm sure is a scary situation. Love ya cutie!
you are doing a great job! being a mom is hard work. don't be too hard on your self. adorable kids.
Sweet pictures, I am glad that Vivi is doing are right,it is Super Hard to see them get needles poked into them, I ALWAYS had guilt! :).
I hope this week has brought a little relief from all the worry. You are a super great mom! We love you!
Hope Viv is still gaining and doing great this week... hey we'd love to have Emma over for a playdate☺
Ohhh what cute pictures! It is NOT your fault she's gaining slow! There is NOTHING wrong with supplementing. I actually like it. It gives dad and the kids an opportunity to feed the baby too. Also it's a lot easier when your out in public.
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