My kids had some fun milestones this past week. Last week was Emma's first time going to pre-school. I realize she is only 2 1/2, but a couple of sisters in our ward were putting together a little preschool co-op and I thought it would be a great way for Emma to get some socialization as well as learn some good listening skills. She was so excited to go to pre-school, and according to her teachers, has been doing pretty well so far. I will be participating as a teacher next month which will give me an opportunity to actually use my education a little bit. There are only 6 kids and they meet twice a week for just 3 hours. Hopefully it will be a good experience for both Emma and I.
Emma's first day of pre-school

Vivian also turned 2 months old on Sunday. She is such a sweetie. She still seems like a 1 month old, which would make sense since she is probably 1 month behind. She has been smiling at us for a couple weeks now and it is fun to see a little bit of her personality. She loves her Dad and saves most of her great big smiles for him.:) We will be blessing her in a couple of weeks and I'm so grateful for a wonderful husband who will be able to perform that special blessing for her.

As far as everything else goes we are just trying to settle into our new routine with these 2 yahoo's. I'm sure it will take awhile, but everyday gets easier.
So glad to see new pics of your cute girls (and dog ;). I'm glad to hear things are starting to settle into more of a routine... it always takes a while to adjust, right?! o
I love that picture at the end with Emma getting kisses from the pup:). Vivi's dress is VERY pretty, I LOVE the yellow!
I love the dress Vivian is in in the last picture. What a couple of cuties you have there! They look so different to me.
Amy, Porcupines nearly LIVE in trees, let alone climb them. Do you remember the one that was in our back yard that time? Emma is still #1 around your place, but Vivian is starting to show some personality. Nobody got sick the two times we have been there. Maybe it is because Mike brought home some ice creamm and we pigged out on that.
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