I am so behind on my posting. Vivian turned 10 months old 10 days ago. I just wanted to post a couple pics and give an update on our little "munch". She is just growing and getting bigger everyday. She is finally in the right size of clothes for her age. She has also discovered how to "cruise" and is pulling herself up to everything and anything she can. She likes to come and sit in your lap if you are on the floor. She unfortunately also knows how to climb the stairs. The other day I saw her trying to pull herself up onto the couch, but she is just too short. It is so much fun watching her learn and understand so much more. She has recognized her name for quite awhile now and understands "No" and probably a lot of other things. She is working on getting her next set of teeth. She just loves attention and is so much fun. She got to go swimming for the first time today. Wish I would've gotten some pictures of that. Oh, she also thinks she is a dog. She loves to follow Rusty around and tries to get to his food and kennel all the time. She's a funny gal and we sure lover her.

This photo cracks me up because she is a typical girl. So sad one moment and completely happy the next.
What a cute plaid jumper she was sporting...even with the sad face:). She is so cute, it is hard being away as she grows up so fast; we are excited to see you all in a few months!
Oh that gal is cute! I can't wait to see her!
Love that smile. What a cutie. She sure is growing up fast. I love the one of her on the floor just cracking up. How fun!
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