Sharp Family

Sharp Family

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Home Sweet Home!!!

Well we finally made it. After 2 1/2 days of driving we arrived in Ohio and started unpacking. The drive wasn't as bad as I was expecting and it was pretty fun seeing all of the different states that we had to drive through. Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois and Ohio. We were lucky to miss all of the bad weather on our way out. It followed us though because our weather has been rainy and overcast ever since we got here. I guess the weather can be like that here though. Oh, I forgot to say what a miracle it was that we were able to fit all of our STUFF in the U-haul. When we picked up the U-haul we were a little unsure if everything would fit. We were lucky to get everything in though with not much room to spare. It was perfect. The Elders Quorom in both Utah and Ohio came to help us load and unload which was a great help to us. I am realizing the older I get the more OSD I become. Mike was ready to relax after our long drive, but I couldn't relax until everything was put away. High hopes I know, but I was bound and determined to get everything put away that first day.:) We actually managed to get most of it put away the second day we were here. It sure helps it feel more like home when you aren't maneuvering around boxes all day. It has taken us a little while to get adjusted, but it is finally beginning to feel more like home. The free-way system is great out here. The free-way is right by our house and so we can just hop on it to get wherever we need to go. There are still a lot of places we have yet to go. The Ohio State campus is very large. The food science building is relatively new and Mike gets his own "office" per say. It looks as if it will be a great program for him. I had a job interview on Tuesday and was offered a preschool teaching position. I didn't feel too keen on the idea for many different reasons, but decided it would be better to get a job than not. I guess jobs are pretty scarce out here if you can believe it. The OSU students take a lot of the jobs. I was just about to call and accept the job when I decided to call a different lady and check into another teaching position. It is amazing how things work out. I stopped by the other job site and felt 100% more at peace and so hopefully everything will work out with my paperwork because I would love to work there. It is a preschool teaching job as well, but they seem a lot more professional and organized compared to the other position that I ended up turning down. It was a little bit of a risk, but hopefully it will work out. Oh, a bit of fun news. We are going to a Detroit Red Wings game tonight. Mike loves the Red Wings and so when he heard they were coming to play Columbus he decided we needed to go while he still had somewhat of a break before school. Hopefully there won't be too much blood on the ice.:) Well that's about it for now. We'll keep ya posted on any other fun news.


tkfonzie said...

Your apartment is cute and I can't believe how quickly you got everything squared away. The "album of your travels was pretty funny, I am sure that if I was put in situation of driving a u-haul pulling our car, I would either be in tears or have a migraine when I was done. I hope that you get the job that you wanted, It is amazing that things do work out the way they are supposed to. Keep in touch!

Mom in Orem said...

Your comments and photo album were a major boost. It is exciting to think that Mike gets his own office and that you are being guided in your job search. I love it when the Holy Ghost steps in and directs our path so overtly. You will continue to be blessed. What a wonderful adventure lies ahead. Happy Easter!!

Emily said...

Congratulations on your move!! My thoughts are with you...