Sharp Family

Sharp Family

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mr. Mom

Amy is always so good at using her day off to clean the house. I decided that since I have the rare opportunity today of taking the day off of work, that I would clean the house while Amy is at work. I found out that taking care of the house is not as easy as I thought...

Here I am doing laundry.

Here I am sweeping the floor.

Here I am making a nutritious meal. (notice it is Whole Wheat Bread!)

This is when I was looking for a cat that we could adopt who would be too irresistible for Amy to refuse. (cross your fingers, Amy is being stubborn).



Amy and Mike said...

O.K. my husband is pretty funny I have to say. Thanks hun:)

Jackie said...

I'm bustin' a gut!!!! That was SO funny! You're a hoot Mike!

tkfonzie said...

Too cute Mike, Where do you get Sticky Sweet Chili Doritoes? Those sandwiches will be the next big thing :-).

Marnie said...

This is so Michael! It made me miss you guys. I know that may sound weird, but this reminded me so much of Mike's sense of humor that now I am missing you. Can't wait to see you guys in July!

Heidi Green said...

This is one of the best posts I've seen in a long time :-). Thanks!

Amy, that cat looks pretty darn cute! How can you resist?

Marques said...

Mike, you are a nerd.

Marques said...

Let me say that again...a total nerd!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

LOVE THE POST MIKE!!! That's quite the sandwich..did I see oreos and dortioes on wheat bread?! YOu could also count the calcium from the cream in the oreos and the cheese in the doritoes for being healthy as well!!!hahahah
Love all the photos! Mike, you are hilarious!!!!

Team Schiele said...

Just wait until you own a home.
The work NEVER stops!


It is especially funny because I know your 5 moms taught you better! Love you both

Mom in Orem said...

Now come on Mike! I taught you better than that!