So this is a picture of what our preschool kids had to play with today. Needless to say that they were exstatic. It was so much fun to see them climbing and sliding all over the place. There was a water gun at the top that a couple of the kids used especially to squirt Miss Amy. Every Friday will be Water Day so that gives everyone something fun to look forward too. Last night Mike and I finally took a dip in the apartment complex pool. It wasn't extremely hot outside, but it was nice to go anyway. Luckily there weren't too many people there. On the weekends it looks pretty crazy.
Last week was our first chance teaching our Primary class. It was so much fun and very rewarding. It is amazing the difference in teaching when you can actually talk about the truths of the gospel. We are teaching the 6 & 7 year olds. There is one girl in our class who is being picked on by a girl at school. As she was telling us this story another girl in the class decided that we should all tell the this girl something that we liked about her to make her feel better. It was a lot of fun and wonderful to see the happiness that it brought to the child who really needed a boost. We are going to Detroit next weekend and are really excited about that. I'm excited to see all of the people and places that Mike new on his mission. We are especially excited to see the husband of one of the ward members baptized. I'm sure we'll post more details about this next week. Well, life is good here in Columbus. It is 90 degree weather with a lot of humitity, but we are loving it. Take care
What a wonderful example for that young girl to set, I hope you told her mother! It is always nice to know that the things that we teach our children are sinking in. I love Primary, alot of people think that it is a "waste" of their time or just a place to go to "hide" but the most important things you learn are learnt in Primary!
Ditto Kim - we can learn so much from kids!
That water slide is the bomb! Can adults go on it too?
Have fun in Detroit! I can't wait to hear all about it.
You two will make awesome primary teachers.
I think one of those water things would look great in our yard! Miss you guys! Cant wait to see you.
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