So yesterday we had a wild wind storm. It started out pretty mild but then picked up some good speed. Wind is definitely the weather condition that I hate the least so it wasn't too exciting for me. We were really lucky though as we have been checking out the damage. Many trees were ripped in half or just tore up from the ground. Our neighboring complex had a lot of their siding and shingles torn off as well. We were thankful that our complex has kept up on a lot of those things since we didn't have too much damage. As a result of the wind many power lines were down and most of the surrounding areas have been without power. As I woke up this morning I hoped against hope that my work would be without power and they would cancel school. My hopes were made a reality as we pulled into the parking lot to find a couple employees wrapped in blankets ready to send everyone home with a paid day off for "emergency circumstances".
So luckily Mike and I were able to have a day off together. We ran a few errands and because it was such a nice day I thought I would get in some spring planting. I decided to plant some tulips and daffodils. It will be such a welcome sight in the spring to have flowers right outside our door. It's too bad we can't see them right now. Other than that we are just gearing up for fall. Mike starts school in a couple weeks and I am loving the nice weather and anticipating the holidays. This is my favorite time of year. OH, we are also going to "The Lion King" on Wednesday. It is a traveling Broadway group and Mike was able to get us a really good deal on tickets through the University. It will be nice to have one last summer Hurrah before Mike starts school. We've had a nice long summer and we've been lucky to have done so much.

The Broadway version of the Lion King is fabulous. I saw it in Chicago. I paid $70 dollars for my seat and felt that it was worth every penny. I hope you enjoy it as much.
Here I was worried about Ike down in Texas. I am glad you are alright and that you got a day off to plant flowers. What a lovely thing to do!
You have had a fun summer! What a lucky girl! And I can't wait to see pictures of your tulips when they bloom!!!
I think it's everyone's daydream for work, school, etc to be cancelled because of bad (but not too bad) weather. I think I've had that happen only a couple of times in my life but it was awesome! I'm glad you had a good day.
Have fun at the show!!
I actually like the wind. I like to listen to it any way. I'm glad your building was not damaged and that you were able to have a day off.
I am excited for you to enjoy the bulbs coming up in the spring. I am glad that the trees didn't fall on you or the complex :). Love the thought of going to the Lion King. it looks neat!
The picture of that tree is crazy. That is a big tree. I am glad you guys did not have any major problems from it, and actually ended up getting a day together. How fun! You will love having your tulips and daffodils in the spring. Can't wait to see pics of them.
Isn't this weather crazy!? Holy Smokers! That tree is huge! Jon and I were dodging orange barrels on the roads while the wind tossed them past us! We were laughing but it was pretty scary at time!
Good time to work on your power outage prepardness plan! Be ready for winter. Love you both.
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