This weekend I have learned again how nice it is living with "Superman". I guess that best part is that I am actually married to him. Yesterday, Mike was a sweet heart and helped my friends the Bailey's move into their new home. It's nice to have some more people out here that we know. He really worked hard and helped out a ton. I was really thankful for him. Even after his exhausting day yesterday he has been working just as hard today running errands and getting stuff done around the house. He changed our burnt out headlight, played with the cat, (and hamster), changed the hamster cage and the litter box, "helped" me clean out and organize our downstairs closet. He says I cleaned it, but I mostly just got all of the Fall decorations out while he hefted things upstairs and really did the organizing. He then vacuumed the house, paid the house and pet rent, as well as checking out our budget for this month. Ya, and he did all of this by 1:00.
And what was I doing this whole time you may ask? Absolutely NOTHING!!! I have been the most lazy wife today. I haven't been sleeping the greatest this week and so he has made me sleep all day. I feel so guilty, but I appreciate him so much. He never complains and he works so hard. So this post goes out to all of the other superheroes that you all may have the pleasure of living with as well. What would we do without them.
I think that we would be lost. What a nice hubby you have to help you with the stuff you needed to do plus all the other stuff that he needed. I am a super lucky gal to have SuperTy at my house, way to go Mike!
That picture is hilarious!!!! How did you do that? What a nice husband you have. I would also be lost without my superman. We are pretty lucky girls to have such great men in our lives!
Superman Mike! I like the sounds of that. Way to go Mike you make your Mother proud.
Amy you lay around the house a do nothing all you want. We all know what a superwoman you are too!!!
I have to say I like the pic as well.
Mike, I always new you were a superman!
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