Our cat has been so fickle lately. Somedays she is sweet and content and other days she is just irritable and crazy. I guess that's to be expected with a cat, and we are getting used to her verbal/nonverbal clues for when she needs space, but seriously isn't she supposed to be cute and cuddly all of the time.:) We are really enjoying her and she is a lot of fun when she isn't grouchy. (Maybe she's feeding off of the pregnancy hormones) She has come up with a lot of ways to entertain herself, including sticking her head in our empty drink cups. She is always trying to eat our food and gets it in whatever way she can. It's kind of funny though when she gets her whole head stuck in the cup. We got her some new toys for Christmas so hopefully she won't get so bored. We are trying to decide what to do with Deb our hampster before the baby comes. Deb currently resides in the baby room and Gracie is NOT allowed in that room, so of course it is her main ambition and desire in life. We are either going to have to find her a new home, or buy or adjust her current home so that the cat cannot get to her so easily. Any suggestions?
So I am finally starting to get a bigger belly. It's nice to be showing now because it makes the pregnancy seem more real. I'm sure that in a couple of months I won't be as excited. There are also a lot of things that no one prepared me for such as sore hips, (mostly from sleeping on your side) No one had ever mentioned the random aches and pains that you get. It is a little interesting feeling your body change and not work the same way anymore. I guess the whole process is pretty amazing in general though, minus the aches and pains.
Lastly, a cute story from my class. There is a new girl in my class who doesn't come very frequently but apparently remembers me because her mother had to tell me that on Thanksgiving she asked where "Miss Amy was?". This child also just recently got a new doll and she named the doll "Miss Amy". I thought that was pretty funny and cute. The holidays have been a lot of fun for the kids in my class and they get so excited whenever it snows. They keep asking me if they can see the baby in my tummy. There isn't a whole lot for them to see right now, but I'll definitely have to bring the baby in for them to see. They are pretty cute kids.
Well, Goodluck to everyone with your Christmas shopping and preparations. We hope you are enjoying the season.
That's so cute a little girl named her doll after you! Your little pregnant belly is adorable. I'm sorry you can't come home for Christmas... I know what you mean...
I haven't been up to visit my family (they live in Washington now) in six years for Christmas. They always come down at different times of the year but it's been since we got engaged that we've seen them at Christmas. I hope you enjoy your last Christmas as just a couple.
Last year we were alone for Christmas and we got a hotel downtown for Christmas Eve, Day and the Day after... we put up a little tree and everything. It was awesome!! I highly recommend. :)
you look so cute! you have always been an awesome person so it doesn't surprise me that a little girl named their doll after you. good luck with your pregnancy.
I love your belly...so cute. Traditions...I make Adam and I matching pajama pants. We open them Christmas Eve and wear them that night and while we open presents the next morning. When I bought the fabric for it the lady said, "making pajama pants?" Apparently it isn't a unique tradition but it's still fun. And for the sore hips, sleep with a pillow between your legs. I have crappy joints and get sore hips all the time and I'm not even preg....try the pillow thing. It's works for me.
Fun pics of the cookie decorating, I'm glad you've found some good friends. I have some fun tradition ideas... I'll call.
The pic of Gracie in the cup is too funny. Is she mean to Deb?
Your pregnancy picture is so cute - I love seeing you get bigger. Your decorations look nice too. I agree on the side sleeping thing, I hated it! That was my favorite thing to do when I got home from the hospital - sleep on my stomach!
Really cute about the doll! It sounds like things are going well with your job, hooray.
That is so cute that the lettle gal named her doll Miss Amy, What a compliment:). The pictures of Gracie are really funny, maybe that is her way of telling you she is thirsty? It is fun to see your growing tummy; you are right, it does seem more real when someone is kicking you in the ribs 24 hours a day:). Maybe you could donate Deb to the school where you teach for the kids to enjoy, would that work or are they too small to be careful with her?
I hope that you have a good week, Try decorating graham cracker 'gingerbread' houses. That is one of my boy's favorite traditions.
Cats make great baby sitters, they can be very protective of "their" babys. As for when she is aloof, remember cats need an average of 20 hours of sleep a day. She is probably to tired to be interested in you. Love you and miss you!
Amy! It's so fun to catch up on all your "random bits!" of life. Congrats on your growing baby girl! It pleases me you're doing so well!
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