Sharp Family

Sharp Family

Friday, January 9, 2009

Life is Good

So Mike's birthday went pretty good. We really didn't do a whole lot. Last year we decided that for our birthdays we would save up and do something fun like go to a play or a sports game, but it just didn't work out this year which is fine. I made Manicotti and a Key Lime Cheesecake which is all he wanted for his b-day so hopefully it turned out o.k.. That night we had the wonderful opportunity of going with the youth from our ward to perform baptisms for the dead. Mike's sister Monica sent us some family names and so we were able to get the baptisms performed for those names. It was a nice night to be able to spend in the temple.

Today we had another doctors appointment and ultrasound. It is always fun getting to see the baby. They wanted to check and make sure everything was progressing the way it needed to be and everything looked great. They were a little concerned last time that my placenta was a little low, and that her chin was small which I guess can be a sign of some disabilities, but everything looked great. She looks normal and weighs in at perfect sizes, and my placenta has finally moved up so Yeah!!!! I had to take my gestational diabetes test today as well and I failed miserably. I was thinking that I might. Next up is the 3 hour blood draw session which will tell us for sure if I do have gestational diabetes or not. My doctor is pretty positive that I don't, but those with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome have a higher risk of getting it so I guess I'm prepared for whatever the results may be. I sure could use a change in my diet and exercise habits. Hopefully everything will work out o.k..

It is Friday!!!! I usually have Wednesdays as my day off but this week I had Friday off. It's amazing the difference having a day off in the middle of the week makes. I was so tired when I got home yesterday and felt so lazy, but it will be nice to have a longer weekend break. I just have to tell about some fun things that make my day at work. Whenever we arrive at work all of the kids will run up to us and give us hugs. "Amy!!! Miss Amy!" It's a lot of fun and sometimes I take it for granted the love of these children. Also, there is this one boy who tends to get into trouble quite a bit, but he is just in need of some positive attention. I am always taken back when he says things like. "Miss Amy, I like your hair" :) or he'll come and give me a big hug and kiss on the cheek. Oh, the unconditional love of kids. I really have been blessed to be able to work with children. Sometimes it is easy to get stuck in the rut of wanting to make them do or behave in the way that I want them to, but I just have to sit back and really decide if it is just for my benefit or for theirs. Oh, the things I have to learn. So life is good and we are being very blessed.


tkfonzie said...

I am glad that everything is looking good with 'Baby Sharp'. The things you tell about your students are darling, it is a blessing to have the unconditional love of children.

Miss Heather said...

You are so adorable! I love reading your posts... I hope everything goes well with the second test... I've heard Gestational Diabetes is a pain! Hopefully it will all be okay. All that matters is the beautiful baby is progressing normally. :)

Mandos said...

It was fun taking to you today! I'm glad to hear that your second Ultrasound came out ok. what great news! Don't stress bout the diabetes thing. If you have it is definitely something you can manage! It's not as bad as they say. :) Just remember it goes away!

Team Schiele said...

We love all 5 of you! Hang in there. And Happy Brithday Mike, sorry we didnt get a call in. We were thinking of you and sending good things your way.

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

I have been blogger slacking lately! Happy belated b-day Mike!
Glad that your baby is doing well!

Biffy said...

Amy! I don't know if I've ever commented here, but I do check up on you from time to time! I had to comment and say congratulations! I am so happy for you and Mike to be having what sounds like a healthy baby girl. You will be such a fantastic mom. Hooray for the Sharps!

Tina said...

Hi amy!!!! It was so great to hear from you on my blog. I miss you and have missed out on some wonderful news, congratulations!!! It is great to know things are going good for baby girl. Youlook so cute with your belly pictures. How fun. I know all about pcos...we should chat soon.

Love ya

Marnie said...

Hurray for a good day at the doctors. I am sorry that you have to go through the 3 hour test though. I had to do it with Skylar and it is not the funnest thing in the world, but it will be worth it if it helps you and the baby be healthy! How are you doing with the birthing stuff?