So we had a nice week with Mike's mom. She came in last Thursday and left today. I can't believe it has already been a week. It seems like she just got here. Unfortunatley she had a mishap with her luggage and so her first couple of days were spent tracking her luggage down. Luckily she was able to find it and all is well. Emma sure loves her Grandma Sharp. We had a nice time just visiting, playing games and watching movies. Hopefully she was able to have a nice break and just take it easy. Last night she was kind enough to watch Emma so that Mike and I could go to the temple. We had a nice time at the temple and then we went out for "Cold Stone" icecream. Ohhhhhh Yummy!!!! I don't know how much fun Grandma Ann had because Emma has gotten pretty Colicy. She was patient with the crying though. That's what Grandma's are for. While she was here we went to a conservatory where they release butterflies. It was really fun to see and they were beautiful. It ended uo being a great week with Grandma Ann and we can"t wait to see everyone else in under a month. Yeah!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A Week With Grandma
So we had a nice week with Mike's mom. She came in last Thursday and left today. I can't believe it has already been a week. It seems like she just got here. Unfortunatley she had a mishap with her luggage and so her first couple of days were spent tracking her luggage down. Luckily she was able to find it and all is well. Emma sure loves her Grandma Sharp. We had a nice time just visiting, playing games and watching movies. Hopefully she was able to have a nice break and just take it easy. Last night she was kind enough to watch Emma so that Mike and I could go to the temple. We had a nice time at the temple and then we went out for "Cold Stone" icecream. Ohhhhhh Yummy!!!! I don't know how much fun Grandma Ann had because Emma has gotten pretty Colicy. She was patient with the crying though. That's what Grandma's are for. While she was here we went to a conservatory where they release butterflies. It was really fun to see and they were beautiful. It ended uo being a great week with Grandma Ann and we can"t wait to see everyone else in under a month. Yeah!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
A Very Special Day
So yesterday was a very special day for our family. Not only was it our 2 year anniversary, but Emma was also blessed. It was so amazing to see how far we have come in the past two years and our life seemed to come full circle. Emma's blessing was beautiful and she was promised some wonderful blessings from her Father in Heaven. Mike's mom was coming out this way to do a presentation at a home schooling conference and we were lucky enough to have her stop by Ohio for about a week. It has been nice having her here and she was able to be there for Emma's blessing. We sure missed having the rest of our family there, but it turned out to be a very nice day. Emma was also very lucky to have her Grandma Pierce make her blessing dress. She will have it as a very special keepsake. I think my mom did a wonderful job. The dress was so beautiful.
Last night Mike and I were looking through our journals and reading some entries from when we were dating and first married. It is amazing to see what we have learned in the past two years and how the Lord has truly had his hand in our lives. We know we have been blessed and are so grateful.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Emma at 6 weeks
So yesterday we took Emma to the doctor for her routine checkup. She is now 6 weeks old and we were anxious to see how much weight she has gained. When she was born she weighed 5lbs 2 oz. and now she weighs 7 lbs 12 oz. She is getting so big. I can't believe she is almost 8 lbs now. The doctor said she is looking great and is really strong. I can't wait for her to start smiling at us and being more active. I can't complain too much about her activity level, a couple nights ago she slept for 6 hours straight. I was a little nervous when I woke up and realized that she hadn't woken up yet, but she was just sound asleep. I guess she needed her beauty rest.
I thought this picture with Gracie and Emma was pretty funny. My mom would freak out, but Grace has been so good with Emma. She usually just ignores her, and is really patient with her crying. We are really lucky in that department. Also, Mike wanted me to stop putting so many pictures of him on here so there is a picture of she and I so that you can see she spends some time with her mom as well.:)

I thought this picture with Gracie and Emma was pretty funny. My mom would freak out, but Grace has been so good with Emma. She usually just ignores her, and is really patient with her crying. We are really lucky in that department. Also, Mike wanted me to stop putting so many pictures of him on here so there is a picture of she and I so that you can see she spends some time with her mom as well.:)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
So Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there and all of you women who are nurturers to others around you. It was an interesting first mothers day for me. First off, Mike was so sweet and mulched our flower bed and bought me a hanging flower pot. He also made me a delicious cake. Thanks hun. My brother Daniel also stopped by on his way back home from taking a load to Pennsylvania. It was so good to see him, and it will be wonderful to see the rest of our families in a little over a month. Yeah!!! I can't believe it has been a year already, good thing times moves quickly.
We ended up taking Emma to the full block of church and I was a little overwhelmed at first. She ended up sleeping the whole time which was a blessing, but I think I just really stressed out trying to prepare for what "could" happen while at church. She isn't nursing very well, and yet I felt bad just bringing a bottle. I also tried to plan her eating and sleeping schedule so that it would work out perfectly. As usual it isn't as easy as I think it is going to be to make Emma work around US.:) Luckily everything turned out just fine, but poor Mike had to deal with my crazy meltdown. I definitely have such a new perspective on parents and especially mothers with a lot of kids at church. I know I don't fully understand yet just having one child and an infant at that, but to try and get your whole family ready to go, fulfill your callings and keep your kid happy and not running around is quite the feet. I am amazed at all of you wonderful mothers who can manage it.
I had to post some pictures of Emma with her Dad. I know I have posted a lot of the two of them, Mike is just her favorite person to be with and she loves to cuddle with him. I have some competition in that department now.:) So although I am finding out ways to adjust to this new little addition we are just loving having her in our home, she brings us such joy.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A Few Tidbits
So I don't have anything specific to post about except that Emma is now over a month old. I can't believe how fast time has gone. Luckily she is also getting bigger, and starting to change in little ways. It will be interesting to see what she is like in another months time. We are sure enjoying her. She has finally gotten onto somewhat of a better sleeping schedule. It makes it a lot nicer in the night time. I wanted to post these cute pics of her. One is for my mom who made the cute sweater and hat, another for my Aunt Nona who sent us some pretty cute outfits and wanted to see her in one, and the other is for my sister Jackie who purchased the lovely bouncer that Emma has currently been sleeping in this week. We have had a cold going around our house the past couple of weeks and Emma unfortunately caught it. She has been so congested that we decided that she would be able to breathe a little better if she slept a little bit more upright instead of just flat on her back, hence the bouncer. It has been great because it plays music and vibrates and so it really helps Emma fall asleep, so thanks Jack. Other than that our week has been same old, same old. We are really looking forward to Momma Sharp coming out in a couple of weeks. It will be great to spend some time with her, and she might even be willing to babysit so we can go out for our 2 year anniversary. Wow time sure flies.
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