Sharp Family

Sharp Family

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas!

So last night we attended a couple Christmas parties and we were finally able to get a picture of Emma with Santa Claus. It was actually pretty lucky. We were leaving Mike's Work's Christmas party on our way to a friend Christmas party and on the way out we saw Santa waiting in a room. He was nice enough to hold Emma for a couple of pictures. It was nice to finally meet some of Mike's co-workers. It was a pot-luck dinner and so there were a great variety of Ethnic foods. Next was the Bishopric party, hosted by our Bishop. His wife is amazing because she hosted that party and then a baby shower the following morning. The food was awesome there and it was nice to get to know some of our ward members even better.

Tonight we went to take some Christmas goodies to our neighbors and didn't have a whole lot of success. For some reason we have a hard time finding people home. We were able to meet a couple new people though so that was nice. We have been "a lot" lax on the eating only one dessert this week. (At least I have). It's hard to be making goodies and receiving goodies and not at least sample one of them right? Oh, the holidays are difficult to cut back on the sweets.

We are LOVING the weather out here this winter. I thought that I would be missing the snow, but we both had to comment today on the fact that we don't miss the snow at all and we are relishing the 50-60 degree winter temperatures. We are trying to keep a positive outlook because once the summer hits and it is 110 degrees everyday I think we will have a different attitude about the "nice" weather in Bakersfield. I guess you take what you can get and be thankful for it.

This post is getting so long I know, but I had to talk about Emma. It just hit me today how fast she is growing up and it made me feel so sad. She isn't our "baby" anymore. I went to get her up from her nap and she was standing in her crib. She has been standing up to everything all day. What happened to our little baby who never moved anywhere unless we took her with us? It is fun to see her learn all of these new things and she sure gets proud of herself, but I guess it's just hard to let go of the little baby stage. I'm sure I'll be feeling like this her whole life as she gets older. I guess that's just life.


Jackie said...

Thanks for the long post, I love having good updates like this. Thanks for rubbing in your nice weather. :) Your family picture is so cute! You look beautiful. It's been a long time since I've seen you without your glasses, & let me tell you, you are hot stuff! I bet Mike was super proud to show off his gorgeous wife. And Emma's standing? Crazy.

Monica said...

Your family is so cute! You guys look so good. I can't believe Emma let Santa hold her. I can't get my kids near Santa till they're older. She does look like she was pretty intrested in this man with a long white beard. I'm glad your able to meet some new people. I hope you all have a good christmas we'll miss you.

tkfonzie said...

I does go too fast...sometimes I dream about my kids and they are always younger:).
I really love the pictures, one more minute and Emma would have had Santa's beard off!

Ashley said...

Love he pics of Emma with Santa. We took Gavin and my newphews to the mall to see santa, but I wasn't about to pay $20 for pic - lame!! That or I'm just too frugal!

ANyways, I hear you on the trying to eat healthy during the holidays - it's HARD!!!

We miss you guys!!

Heidi Green said...

She did really good with Santa! That's great that she wasn't scared of him. Also, I love her hat. Did you make it?

Mom in Orem said...

Baby's always grow up too fast. that is why I kept having more! I loved the pictures. Enjoy all that warm. It is freezing here.