Sharp Family

Sharp Family

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

When Mommy's Sick!

So yesterday I got a lovely reality check. I have been super fortunate not to have had the stomach flu for about 4 years now and boy had I taken that time for granted. Yesterday morning I woke up and realized that something just wasn't right. That knot in your stomach, the constant dull headache, and the need to live in the bathroom. Sorry "Too much information". So I had caught the 24 hour bug! The first thing I thought of was that I needed my mommy, but then I realized that I AM the mommy and I have to take care of my child as well as myself. Oh boy, my hat goes off to all of you mom's out there who deal with being sick while pregnant and having other kids to take care of. It is not an easy or fun task. I was just feeling so bad for my poor neglected daughter because I didn't want to get her sick and I just couldn't play with her very much. I can't tell you how much I appreciate my sweet husband though. He was able to come home a little early and he watched Emma and helped around the house so that I could take it easy. It was such a blessing for me. It was funny because usually Emma is so excited to see her Dad when he gets home because she hasn't seen him all day, but yesterday it was just the opposite. She had spent more time with her dad that day so when she saw me she would get so excited and just had to crawl right over to see me. Oh she's funny.

(Oh yeah she is crawling all over the place now and getting into everything. She has also been pulling herself up to standing sometimes as well. She loves it, but it is sure crazy for mom and dad. It's kind of sad seeing our little baby growing up.)

So thankfully I'm feeling quite a bit better today and hopefully no one else catches the flu, and this post goes out to all of you women who have the responsibility of taking care of others while you are miserable and sick. Please give me some advice on how you are able to cope when your kids are sick at the same time. Oh, the fun things I know I have to look forward too.:)


tkfonzie said...

Mom told me you were sick...I am glad you are feeling better:). I can remember vividly being so sick a couple of times that I either had to have Ty stay home or get you girls or Mom to come watch the kids. It is lucky that you get the sickest when you are little and by the time you are grown, you have had most of the germs go through you;).

Heidi Green said...

Biffy and I have had this conversation quite a few times... When I am super sick is one of the only times I really resent being a stay at home mom. It's so hard to have to take care of everyone else when you just want to crawl in a hole and die. And then, when your husband gets sick he gets to take off work and get taken care of by you. Who takes care of the mom? No one. Can you see the resentment? It's something I'm trying to get better at dealing with. I just need to remind myself that at least I'm not sick with cancer, etc. etc.

Anyway, I'm glad you're feeling better. :-)

Jackie said...

I'm so sorry you've been sick. That is so hard. I always 'need my mommy' when I'm sick too. I'm glad you're starting to feel better.

Mandos said...

I'm so sorry to hear you wear sick. The stomach flu is the worst! Glad it was short lived. I have no advice. I think as mom's we do as we must. Just be grateful you were sick by your self. I hate when I'm sick but have take care of everyone else because they are sick too!

Monica said...

Oh I feel for you. I hate being sick when you have little ones. When they are a little older you can at least explain that your not feeling well, and put on movie for them.

It's exciting that Emma is crawling. I knew it wouldn't be too much longer.

Mom in Orem said...

Glad it didn't last too long, and that you were able to enjoy the Holidays. I am also grateful that Mike took good care of you and Emma.