We always wanted to rescue a dog from the shelter and may I say it is a lot cheaper route to go, and boy were there some cute dogs there. Anyway, we've definitely felt a "void" in our home since losing Molly, and it is crazy how it's effected even our cat. She has been lonely for someone to "chase" her.
It really was a fun game that they played. Anyway, this is our new dog "Rusty".
His name was meant to be since both Mike and I thought of it right away. He is a Shepard mix, either Yorkshire or Australian. He's pretty small though and just wants to be loved. He'd sit in your lap and give you kisses all day if you'd let him. I was a little leery of getting a boy dog because I didn't want to worry about him "marking his territory" in our house. Luckily I think his previous owners house trained him because he is doing great! It has been so much easier not having to potty train him. He has some separation anxiety issues that we have to deal with. Poor thing, he can't stand to be away from us. He just cries and cries. Hopefully he'll get used to our routines, and know that even if we have to put him in his kennel for an hour, that we WILL be coming back. So here's to this next new adventure. I think for now, if we get anymore pets we'll be sticking to FISH.:)
Rusty looks to be a sweetheart...I hope that this can fill the void that you have been feeling. My kids have been bugging me for years to get fish, Ty has told then no because it would be just one more thing for Mom to do:).
I didn't think it would take you too long before you got another. Rusty is adorable. Our first dog Harley (do you remember him?) was a super smart australian shepherd that was abandoned and Matt brought him home - surprise! His coloring was a lot like Rusty's but his face shape was different and I think he was a lot bigger than yours. Maybe Rusty is a Yorkshire mixed with an Australian? ;-)
Anyway, good luck. I'm glad you've gotten another one. And, you may also want to consider birds for your personal zoo. I thought my parakeet (I had her for the two years I was teaching and then till Bradley was about one.) was less work than our fish and I loved to listen to her tweeting. Just a thought.... ;-)
Congrats on the dog. He looks bigger than molly, but still just as cute. Hopefully he will be a good fit for your family.
Rusty is such a pretty dog. I love the colors in his fur. Holly has anxiety issues too. We take out the garbage and she acts like we've been gone for days when we come back in. She's always happy to see us so it's nice to feel loved.
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