So my sister told me that I needed to put up another post, but the truth is when I don't blog it's because there really isn't a whole lot of new stuff going on to talk about, but here it goes. This week we are pet "sitting". A friend of ours is sick and so we are watching her pets while she is in the hospital. These poor animals though, I'm not sure if they are better off with us or in their own home with frequent visitors. The dog (Belle) is 13 years old and pretty sick herself, we may have to face the decision on "putting her down" since our friend was going through that process before she got sick. The cat (Izzy) is totally is so shy and nervous. She has been hiding under the bed for the past 2 days. She has come out 3 times for about 1 minute each. They are pretty low maintenance except for the fact that Belle is not used to being in a kennel at night, and she is "doggie door trained". I am able to let her out during the day, but at night it is a different story. When I put her in the kennel she just whines and cries and scratches. I decided to just let her sleep on the couch last night, which is where she usually sleeps, but we'll be doing something different tonight since this morning I woke up to little poo droppings ALL OVER our house. URGH! We sure have been getting some good use out of our steam cleaner! We sure do have an interesting time with these animals of ours.
The cutest animal of all of course is Emma and she is just too much fun. She is starting to talk so much more and will try and imitate the things we say. Her favorite new words are: shoes,baby,done, fish, no, and book. She also does the cutest thing when we play peek a boo. She will cover face and we'll say "Where's Emma?" and then she'll try and say "There she is!", when she uncovers her face. It's pretty funny. She loves to help her mom feed the dog. Belle will only eat out of our hands and so Emma loves to feed her her treats, it makes her feel like a big girl. Only 1 more month until Emma goes to nursery! We can't wait, and I think she is going to love it as well.
Well that's what's going on in our neck of the woods, nothing too exciting, just trying to keep up with everything. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers in regards to Molly, we've really felt your love and it has helped bring us some peace, so thank you.
Wow, you are super awesome friends to babysit a sick dog and a traumatized cat...I hope that putting the dog down isn't something that you will have to do.
I wish we could have had some pics or video of our lovely Em, at this stage we need constant updates because they grow and change so fast:). Keep the 'boring' posts coming...we don't hear from you enough!
Ditto Kim on everything.
Plus - yea for nursery! 12-18 month year olds are hard at church.
Thumbs down to all the poop & pets. You guys are way too sweet. I hope things have gotten better & you haven't needed to make some hard decisions.
Thumbs up to Emma going to nursery. WAY up!!!
Hey, thanks for asking about my braces. They are doing good. They only hurt now when I change to the new set (a few hours every two weeks).
How are you guys doing? I need to chat with you, it seems like it's been a while since I've actually heard your voice.
Love ya!
How long are you sitting for? You are deffinately a better women than me. I think I would have given up on the pet sitting after the first night. I can't believe Emma will be in nursery. It is always nice when they go to nursery.
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