So after Thanksgiving I was less than motivated to get up my Christmas decorations, but once I got started I couldn't stop. It actually didn't even take me too long this year. The only problem I ran into, which I had anticipated, was Emma wanting to play with the tree. I decided to put it up on a table so she couldn't get to it, but now she just climbs under the table, and I'm so worried she is going to go play with the lights plug in the wall. Who knows, we may have to do without a tree this year if she keeps it up. Boy has Emma been crabby lately. I don't know if she's going through a growth spurt or if the terrible two's have started already, but every other word is "NO"! and she refuses to do ANYTHING that she DOESN'T WANT TO DO! If mom wants to read books, she is definitely not doing that. She just whines about everything, and is starting to do the whole rag doll trip. Oh boy, I have my work cut out for me. Any suggestions other than patience. I just don't want her to think she can just get away with acting like that, but I also want to be understanding of her needs as well. Gotta find a balance, but it's sure hard to reason with a toddler.

This is Emma's new favorite trick. Climbing up and over the back of the couch. Yikes!

This is Emma showing me where her's and the snowmans noses are.

On a happier note we found a surprise in our garden today. I had totally forgotten about my carrots because they hadn't been growing very well. Our garden has really been trial and error this year, but look at these beauties. Good thing Emma LOVES carrots because we'll be eating them for awhile. So exciting!
Those carrots look yummy! We just pulled ours out a week or 2 ago & they were delicious! We are thinking of planting even more of them next year, they've been a hit at our house.
As for that little rascal, I really don't have any advice other than patience. You know her better than anyone else, & you just have to do what you think is best. There is no right answer, it's all trial & error. Good luck, and yes, in a couple of years :) it will get better.
Those are some gorgeous carrots! We don't grow them anymore, they are bitter from something in our dirt:p. Love the pictures of our girl...I am getting REALLY excited to see you guys in less than a month!
Those carrots are gorgeous! Holy cow.
I love your decorations, especially the garland coming down the stairs with your stockings - just like when we were growing up. :) I can see what you mean about the tree. I can just imagine the entire tree toppling off that table... ;) Seriously though, it's totally worth having a tree even if those little ones get into them. This is the first year that I've been able to decorate the bottom third of my tree and I kind of miss it.
Emma is looking more and more like you the older she gets. Especially when she smiles. Is it the eyes? What a cutie. I can't wait to see your family!!
Hey Lou, I think when dealing with little stinkers it's most important to be very consistent with discipline - whatever that might be. My discipline of choice is banishment to a bedroom with a child proof knob :) so they don't come out until they're done crying or until I'm ready for them to come out. Love and Logic is a good book to read on the subject. Some of their techniques I didn't like, they seemed a little patronizing and just weren't my style of parenting. But I really liked what they had to say about disciplining without anger. Good book with some good ideas.
Your Christmas home looks beautiful! Have fun in Utah. I see you're going to the 'party' :) I'm jealous, looks like a good'n this year, lots of people going.
Sorry I can't offer any help on toddlers. This is just a hard time for mom. It's fun to see them grow and do so much, but hard to deal with at the same time. I can't belive you got such big carrots by forgetting them. Mine only got as big as a baby carrot and that was with attention.
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