Last weekend we had a fun impromptu family trip to Los Angeles. Mike was on his way back from a crazy work trip and luckily was able to find an earlier flight into LA. I packed up the fam, including the dog, and headed down to pick him up. Since the temple is in LA we don't get as many opportunitites to go as we would like, and we have also been wanting to visit the zoo, so we thought it would be a great opportunity to do both. I found a decent hotel near the zoo that allowed pets, for a minimal fee, and we were set. The worst part of the whole trip was trying to drive in Los Angeles. We are so glad that we don't live there, such a nightmare. Our hotel was right across the street from this awesome shopping plaza, similar to the "Gateway", but better. Emma enjoyed watching the water fountain show and riding the trolly car. Mike and I were hoping to enjoy a nice meal at the "Cheesecake Factory", (I have been craving it FOREVER!)but it was less than enjoyable since Emma would not sit still for anything. It was probably one of the worst dining out experiences we've had with her. There was just too much going on, and she was just overly stimulated. REALLY good food though. Mike went to the temple that evening and I went the next day. Next time we'll have to get a babysitter so we can go together. The next day we just enjoyed ourselves, took Rusty on a walk, went to the zoo, the temple, and then headed home. It was fun taking Emma to the zoo, but it took her a little while to figure out why we were there. She was able to brush and pet a sheep and goat, and also saw some "Gorilla's", which she loves to say.

It was a nice break for us as a fam, and especially for Mike since he has been traveling so much lately for work. We've decided that Impromptu trips are the best for the Sharp family because otherwise we just overthink everything and then end up not going.