They got matching pj's
We also decided to bring our dog Rusty along. We sure love our pets, but it is always a struggle trying to decide what to do with them if we ever want to get away. We found a reasonable kennel in Vegas and decided that if he was having too hard of a time that we would just put him there for a couple days. I, especially, was so happy with how well he did being around other people and in a different environment. The Andals were wonderful to let us bring him and were so patient, which helped a lot. We also discovered a hidden talent of his. We didn't realize that he is part sheltie, part seal.:)
I also wanted to show this other video because it just cracks me up. Emma, and Annadele, are both really into dressing up in dresses. I didn't realize that Emma was in this stage until we got some cute new dresses from some friends of ours and this is the first thing she did after I put it on. She knew she looked so pretty, and just loves to dance and twirl around, especially in front of the mirror. Unfortunately our silly dog likes to get in on the action as well. For some reason he hates twirling dresses. Oh boy, girls are funny.
Emma sure loves Rusty
Just another cute pic of Emma
That is so freaking cute! You have a very talented dog. I love the clip of Emma dancing in her pretty new dress. I'm glad you got away for the weekend. I'm sure Merilee and Mark love having you come.
So cute! I loved the videos. It's so fun to see you guys in action on the screen since we don't get to see it much in real life. Keep it comin' :)
Chester would grab onto your pantlegs when he was really keyed was just his way of wanting to be a part of the action:).
Cute videos! I am glad that you are able to spend as much time in Vegas as you do:).
I love the video. We had a great time having you. I'm glad you feel you can come and relax. Plus it was great to get in a session at the temple. Can't wait to see you again.
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