So we found out today that we are more than likely going to be having another girl. I had been feeling that way, but it would have been fun for Mike to have a boy. Maybe the next go around. When we had Emma Mike was able to be there for the whole ultrasound, and they were wonderful at pointing out and describing everything we saw. This time, I was taken into a room by myself while they spent 30 minutes just taking pictures for the radiologist to look at, and then they let Mike come in to see the baby. Definitely not as nice, but I'm sure every practice does things differently. Mike thinks this baby is going to look a lot like Emma. At least the ultrasound pictures sure look similar. Perhaps they always do. We're sure excited, and can now help Emma understand that she is going to be having a baby sister. If only we could decide on another girl's name.
How funny are you? I knew this bun was a girl...you just gave off a girl vibe:). It will be sweet to see Emma and her little sister with each other. Start diving into Jane Austen books...Elizabeth, Kitty, Elinor, Marianne, Margaret, Jane, Charlotte, Lydia, Georgianna, Mary...just to name a few:)). Yea for you guys!
I knew it! She & Emma will be best little friends. Congratulations!
Ha ha, I loved Kim's comment on the names. Jane Austen is a great place to start. Of course, you could always name her Anne (with an "e" of course) after one of our families favorite heroines. ;) Whatever name you choose will be perfect!
Congratulations! It'll be really fun for Emma to have a little sister.
Another Girl! Congratulations! I'm excited for you. I Can't wait to hear a name. It will be fun to have two girls by each other. They can be the best of friends.
Another little girl. I am so excited for you. And I am glad I know who to pass on all of the girly stuff I have. Congrats.
How fun to have another little beautiful girl! I am soo happy for you guys! I will find out in a few weeks what I am having! How far along are you again?
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