So Happy Saint Patty's day. We were able to come home from the hospital last night which was wonderful. They are just going to monitor me from home I guess. They said I am at least at a stable condition right now, but who knows what will happen. It's amazing how much can change in 1 week.
We have also officially been in Ohio for 1 whole year. It has gone by so fast. We have really been enjoying our time here. There is so much to do in Ohio and we have had some fun opportunities. I would like to get to know more people in our ward though. I'm sure once the baby comes and I am no longer in the nursery, perhaps I'll get to know more people. When we got here last year it was foggy and it rained for 2 weeks straight. I'm sure the rain is coming but we have had such nice sunny and relatively warm weather the past couple of weeks that I am really looking forward to the spring. I planted some tulip and daffodil bulbs last fall and they are starting to spring up. It is pretty exciting. Well, that's it for today, we'll see what tomorrow brings.
I didn't know you were in nursery, I thought you and Mike still taught the 7 year olds. Do you like it?
So, are you on total bed rest now or do you just need to monitor your blood and urine regularly. Call me... I want details :-)
Could those eggs be any more green? Gross!
I'm so glad that they finally let you go home. Love ya girly!
Way to go Green Eggs and Ham!:)
I didn't know that you were in the Nursery either, I thought that you taught the 8-9 year olds.
I hope you are feeling O.K.
I'm glad to hear your home. And I agree with Jackie those eggs look gross! But fun!
I'm glad you are o.k. You'll have to keep us posted. Way to celebrate ST. Patty's day. Yummy!
I'm glad you are o.k. You'll have to keep us posted. Way to celebrate ST. Patty's day. Yummy!
Wow, I can't believe that you and Mike have been there for a year! I am glad that you are home and I hope you are feeling better.
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